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RIP Aden Monagon


New member
Mar 21, 2012
Hey guys,

Friends of ours from McMinnville, OR, The Monagons, endured the loss of their little 4 year old boy Aden on Monday.

3 weeks ago he was healthy and happy, and on Friday Feb 1st he suffered a major seizure that took most of his speech and mobility. He had an MRI and the Doctors diagnosed him with a brain tumor. They did a biopsy and installed a drain tube to relieve the pressure on his brain. After a couple tough weeks of waiting, the were told it was in fact an inoperable cancer, they referred his case to St Jude's and Johns Hopkins for this weeks Tumor Board.

He was in physical therapy last week waiting on his tumor board to see what options they had moving forward. Friday the 22nd, with plans to get to go home for the weekend (because he was doing so good in physical therapy), he had another major seizure. Doctors put him under anesthesia to do another MRI, and the little guy never regained full consciousness. He fought hard until his little body just couldn't fight anymore, and he passed on Monday the 25th

There is not all sadness in Aden's Story. Vaughan and Tracie, Aden's Mom and Dad, have been enveloped and encouraged through this tragedy from everyone in our community and literally around the world. Our good friends started a Facebook page called "Praying for Aden" and within 6 days got over 5 thousand "likes". The story of his courage, and their faith, will literally changes hundreds, if not thousands of eternities.

If you are so inclined to read the amazing, inspirational notes from Tracie and Vaughan throughout this ordeal, it will blow you away.

Also McMInnville Crossfit is asking our community to join together and do 1 burpee for every "like" the Facebook page has on Saturday at 6 a.m. just to show our support for our great friends. (Right now that's over 5200 Burpees)

This is no fundraiser, or plea for donations, just a way to show them how much we care.

I will be doing my burpees at 6 a.m. in Las Vegas somewhere, as I will be at Elk Camp.

If you want to join us in spirit from wherever you are, please message me, or post a reply to let me know how many burpees you do, and we can add it to our grand total!!

Cant wait to make my body and my lungs burn like my broken heart for the Monagon's.

God Bless all of you and your families,

Great write up Hooligan and thanks for sharing. Prayers to the Monogans. I have a 4-year old boy and I just couldnt imagine. I pray that they find comfort in all of those reaching out to help remember Aden.
Man, I don't even know what to say about this.....Our hearts go out to his family and thanks for posting because its another reminder of why we do what we can to support cancer research, especially in in kids......

Prayers sent from here....
Thoughts and prayers to the Monagon family. Life's tough to understand sometimes, just glad they have their faith to help in this unfortunate time. Since I have no idea what a 'burpee' is, I'm very doubtful I could do 5,200 - probably not even 52 - so I'll have to stick to some additional thoughts and prayers that day, but it's good that they have friends like you to help them.
Sometimes it's hard to make sense of life. Thoughts and prayers for this wonderful family and their great faith. God bless.
My thoughts go out to the family. Many days I am unhappy with my life. However, my two sons always make it seem better. Having sons about that age I can only imagine the hardship they are facing. I am truly sorry that Aden and his family had to go through that.

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