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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Now what?

I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a hunt I've never considered before.

Whitetails, Mulies, Black Bear, 'Lopes, Pigs, Turkey, Mouflon, Spanish Goats, Axis are off the list. Been there, had more dinners than the EX cared for.

I'm 66, and in good health, but not by any means a starting college quarterback!

Input guys. Intrigue me.......
Are you only wanting to DIY or is outfitted an option? Some of the Canadian provinces closer to Ohio have some great high success rate moose hunts at much more affordable prices than Alaska.
Are you only wanting to DIY or is outfitted an option? Some of the Canadian provinces closer to Ohio have some great high success rate moose hunts at much more affordable prices than Alaska.
I have a virgin .338 Fed that is begging for me to let 'er loose. A moose seems reasonable & do-able.

OK, we have #1 on the possibility list !
When my dad retired he thought he would sit around house telling my mom how to better run the household. That didn't last more than about a month and she sent him back to work. I guess what I learned from that was whatever you do after you retire ,do something …..
Grats on doing your time! Nice to deliberate what option is best! Well deserved. Enjoy the evaluation and send it (lead or copper) flying!
I like all of the suggestions so far. I think I would do some sort of a combination hunting trip/tourist trip somewhere in Europe. We are generally sheltered from information with respect to hunting opportunities over there; but, they do exist. Traveling there is relatively inexpensive anymore. When I was younger I had no desire to go to Europe. Having been there, and Asia, five times in the past courtesy of the U.S. Army, I can tell you that it is definitely worth going.
Russia for pretty much any kind of critter would be pretty awesome. But something really unique would be a moose in Norway, Sweden, or Finland. That woudl be a big check off the ol bucket list
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