PEAX Equipment

Requesting Access to Private


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2018
Apple Valley, MN
Like many of you I do the bulk of my hunting on public parcels and enjoy the challenge of it. However, I am not above requesting permission to access private. Being it is the middle (end?) of winter, this is on my mind now well in advance of the upcoming seasons. I use a combination of face-to-face conversations as well as letters/emails to those owners who live out of state. Below is a sample of what I use. My letters are intended to be courteous and to-the-point. How do you go about requesting access?

Sample Letter:

<Mr/Ms XXXXX,>

I am writing to request permission to access your property (<XX County parcel ID XXXX>), located at the below address as shown on the attached screenshots:

City, St Zip

I am interested in accessing the property for the purposes of archery deer hunting during the <2018> season.

I am asking permission for myself only and would provide my vehicle information, license plate number, hunter education certificate and MN license ID number if granted access. Additionally, I would seek to sign a waiver releasing you from all liability while on the property.

I realize this is a strange request and appreciate your time and consideration. If you have any questions, I can be reached via email at <emailaddress> or phone at <phone-number>.

Thank you for your time.


Nothing wrong with that. If you are going to send a paper letter, you might stick a stamped, addressed envelop in there for a reply.
I am a private landowner and get requests from time to time. Couple more things to think about either before or after you get permission to discuss

-not to drive off any roads or quad trails
-verify property boundaries to make sure you don't go on neighbors property
- any specific animals off limit? ( I have a 190" mulie on my property and a 350" bull I have pics and sheds from. For me they are off limit together hunters.) Offer to show pics of your harvest. ( that will ensure you get to come back). Shed taking is a no no also.
- I like any hunters to whack any coyotes the see

Otherwise good luck!
I like any hunters to whack any coyotes the see

I was hunting private land in Wyoming once with my wife for antelope and the landowner was showing us around when a big coyote in a really nice coat started loping by about 400 yds out. He wanted me to shoot it with my Sharps (bordering on infinitesimally possible), but with my wife along, I didn't even dare faking it. He was none too happy, but it would have cost me a marriage :) Ah, that was a long time ago, but a good trip.
I've been sending out letters for a long time and I would suggest that you tell a little bit about yourself. I have gotten many responses thanking me for taking the time to tell them who I am. Also, if your sending out a bunch of letters, stagger the send out dates. I usually do 25 at a time rather than getting 100 phone calls in two days and struggling to keep them straight.
So what I am hearing, .. if I ever make it to Oregon, I can come hunt on your place if I whack all the coyotes I can find, and opt for specific deer and elk? Heck, I'll be free labor for a WEEK for that deal!! :)
I'll even cook you dinner!

I am a private landowner and get requests from time to time. Couple more things to think about either before or after you get permission to discuss

-not to drive off any roads or quad trails
-verify property boundaries to make sure you don't go on neighbors property
- any specific animals off limit? ( I have a 190" mulie on my property and a 350" bull I have pics and sheds from. For me they are off limit together hunters.) Offer to show pics of your harvest. ( that will ensure you get to come back). Shed taking is a no no also.
- I like any hunters to whack any coyotes the see

Otherwise good luck!
One no, and one not right now but check back. Both with positive comments regarding the letter sent! Not bad for the earliest that the mail could have hit.
I own some property in NY that haven’t hunted on in years, actually two fairly sizable pieces. I sold half to the DEP and there is now public accces on it in agreement with the watershead agreement. I can count on one and and still have few fingers left the number of times I been asked to hunt on the property.
Sure you come out and you can whack some yotes. Got a Turkey problem too.!

Turkey's eh..... I have a 10 year old daughter is crazy about turkey hunting.... is it a general turkey area?, She just went through her first hunting season this past year. She had a great time, we went too CA for Turkeys she got close but no dice. Headed back there again over spring break. I also have her in for a draw tag here in SW idaho, so i'm crossing my fingers that she draws the tag. Got a couple of friends that know a few landowners and she should be able too get a pretty big Tom.... and if we come across any yotes they won't be a problem anymore ;)
I’m a landowner and I’ve only received one letter asking for permission to hunt inthe mail, it was actually from an outfitter to lease our land. I do get a lot of people who stop by out of the blue and ask for permission though. I usually save my land for friends and their kids so I usually decline. If I were to receive a letter and decided to grant permission I would want to meet the individual(s) before I granted permission. If I were writing a letter I would ask to meet with the landowner at a time convenient for them to talk about hunting and I would include A stamped and addressed postcard with a spot to check YES, I would like to meet with you at _______. Or NO, at this time I am not allowing guests on my property. If you are sending out many requests you could include the landowners return address on the postcard to keep them straight.
Yeah I do include a self addressed stamped envelope, along with language about meeting up and my desire to sign a waiver releasing the landowner from liability.

I intended this thread to be more of a “here’s what I do” type discussion. Certainly not a “how to ask” type thing.

What works for everyone else?
Thanks for the discussion here, everyone! 4 years later, I'm actively referencing it as I prepare for next season!
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