Yeti GOBOX Collection

Reloading components


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2010
North Idaho
Due to moving/rising cost/laziness and shooting my supply of factory ammo I have not reloaded in probably 10 years, but have quite a bit of powder and primers left. They have been in a dry location (gun safe). Would it still be ok to use them, or should I look at all new stuff? I would like to get back into reloading but with the cost and shortage of components now would like to use my old stuff if it would still be ok. Any ideas?
should be good to go still. Make sure the powder doesn't have a reddish color/funky smell to it. I'm not sure if there is a check for primers, might want to use them for practice ammo just in case.
If the powder is bad, it will smell like it. It will have a very acrid odor. May even has some condensation on the inside of the canister. If so, it may be unstable. Throw it on your lawn rather than load with it and take a chance. If it smells OK, chances are it is. ( it makes great fertilizer just in case.)
I was given about 1000 rounds of .38 and 357 brass that was pre-primed. it was sitting in a barn for around 20 years. I loaded some up and 9 out of 10 still go bang. Now consider that being in a barn is not the most stable temp and humidity condition I think your primers will be fine, at least for practice and plinking rounds.
USE THEM, if stored as you say! I wouldn't hesitate. Just made a trip to three stores today just to get clay shootin' shells for trap shooting league. Also I have rifle powder, primers, I bought 7 years ago and they work fine. Thank god I got 'em when available. Just wish I would have forseen the bullet crunch.
I load for 20+ rifle and pistol cartridges and 3 shotgun gauges. I bought a lifetime supply of reloading components 30 years ago. All are still working fine.