Relax and enjoy the ride.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
This article might be of some help or a good reminder to some folks. I'm the guy who is taking the golf clubs with me to Arizona on hunts and taking the time to check out local food and attractions on hunts. I'm cooking lunches at deer camp in PA. I bring the balance to the group as most of the guys are the "are we here to hunt or eff off, can't kill em sitting at camp or at Nancy's diner"

Remember fun and memories are what it's all about not just harvesting, altho that part is a lot of fun to. And remember to enjoy the harvest when a buddy in camp is successful, take time to cook that backstrap reminisce the hunt and crack that beer or LA Croix.
I wondered if Mark Kenyon would ever have that realization. He espoused such an analytical approach to patterning whitetails that I thought it sounded not fun years ago. There's certainly fun to be had in planning a trip, but a lot of hunting becomes borderline obsessive.

I used to be the guy that had a fire to be out there every single moment until a tag was filled. College and a career taught me to appreciate just being out there at all. Today I get much more enjoyment out of any time in the woods with a tag in my pocket vs when I was in my early 20s frothing at the mouth after critters. I take my time. I sit and watch apparently empty woods contentedly. Sometimes I sleep in.