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Reintroduction of grizzlys in Selway-Bitterroot Idaho/Montana

I'll try again then. I'm trying to convey a worst case scenario that the anti hunting crowd tends to try to capitalize on.

I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a GB if I came across one in the wilderness, they are unpredictable, so why take the chance. Also letting them go unscathed would just condition them to not fear humans, which could be bad news for the next person. I'm sure others may feel the same way. So Me shooting one in self defense could potentially make me a criminal, especially since the Grizzly would probably still be on the ESA. Wouldn't the anti hunting crowd jump on that opportunity? So why even create that situation in the first place by purposely re-establishing them again.
If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed. I have a wife and kids to come home to and so I will always play it safe in these cases.

It makes me sad to read this from another hunter.

Do you shoot people that cut you off in traffic?
No, but I think your kind of reaching with that analogy there.

No different than you are reaching with the idiotic assumption that any grizzly bear you see is just going to automatically come maul and/or kill you.

Normally I don't say much on stuff like this. At risk of angering Big Fin, I'm going to come right and say that your thoughts are an absolutely piss poor representation of how I would hope my fellow hunters represent themselves. Your statement is based on ignorance and paranoia. Many of us on here have spent countless hours in grizzly country with no issue. For someone to say that they would shoot anyone they see really pisses me off.

If you need to live in an environment that is so devoid of any risk or wildness then you probably should listen to jryoung and stay home. I would like to think that we are big enough boys and girls that we can coexist in the wilderness with other species.

I would never in a million years support a reintroduction, for the reasons BigFin already stated. However, I see no valid reason to halt natural colonization. Public Trust means everyone, not just my own selfish interests.
Ok, I apologize, you are partially correct Topgun. Grizzly management wasn't budgeted from the GF till July 1st of 2014 due to SF 45 which also allowed the G&F to use GF funds to pay for employee insurance. No where on the internet up till that point have I been able to find anything to prove sportsmen's dollars didn't pay for grizzly management. But then again I've been wrong before, every article I can find has read such as:
I'm going to come right and say that your thoughts are an absolutely piss poor representation of how I would hope my fellow hunters represent themselves. Your statement is based on ignorance and paranoia. Many of us on here have spent countless hours in grizzly country with no issue.

Well obviously my verbiage and semantics where poorly chosen and I've painted a picture of a person I am really not. We make no progress by personally attacking each other and fighting among ourselves.
The only way Idaho is going to support grizzly bears is if Idahoans support grizzly bears. The habitat is not the problem.
Ok, I apologize, you are partially correct Topgun. Grizzly management wasn't budgeted from the GF till July 1st of 2014 due to SF 45 which also allowed the G&F to use GF funds to pay for employee insurance. No where on the internet up till that point have I been able to find anything to prove sportsmen's dollars didn't pay for grizzly management. But then again I've been wrong before, every article I can find has read such as:

You are correct. Wyoming doesn't use General Fund yet to pay for management. I forgot that the bill doesn't go in to effect until FY 17.

IIRC, they currently use a mix of federal and license dollars out of their general license account. Buzz would certainly know this better than I.

Thanks for the correction! :)
Ben, I will never say I am right 100% of the time and occasionally I do make mistakes. So if I do please humble me by showing me the errors of my ways and educate me.
Ben, I will never say I am right 100% of the time and occasionally I do make mistakes. So if I do please humble me by showing me the errors of my ways and educate me.

My apology also, as like Ben, I forgot the funding authorized for grizzly management hasn't taken effect yet and lumped it in with the wolf management program. BuzzH had a big hand in that Bill---just ask him :hump:
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If this goes through I hope both states budget for lost NR license revenue. Along with that the economic impact isn't gonna be pretty for this region. Most NRs are either afraid of g bears or just don't want the hassle of worrying about them. Most hear the horror stories and say I'm not gonna wind up like that guy. And who knows, these idiots will probably relocate some Kodiak brown bears, just like their "gray" wolf. Why can't they just find something more important to spend their time and money on!
No different than you are reaching with the idiotic assumption that any grizzly bear you see is just going to automatically come maul and/or kill you..

Yea and the "Grizzly man" thought his bear friends would never hurt him, or his dead girlfriend.
"The Fish and Wildlife Service should not be working to remove endangered species protections from Yellowstone's isolated grizzlies until it gets the stalled reintroduction effort in the Selway-Bitterroot back on track," said Santarsiere.

How about delisting the Yellowstone grizzlies first, and then we can talk about this reintroduction effort.:D

Buzz and I have had this discussion in the past. An important protein source is not what it once was in the Selway. Reintroduction would be a disaster, IMO. Let them come back on their own, if the habitat allows for it.
Buzz and I have had this discussion in the past. An important protein source is not what it once was in the Selway. Reintroduction would be a disaster, IMO. Let them come back on their own, if the habitat allows for it.

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