Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recommend a Canadian outfitter


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
My wife and I are going to take our seven and a nine-year-old boys to Canada this June for a fishing trip. Can anyone recommend a good fly, boat or drive-in lodge that you have personal experience with. I have fished with Sanford Lake Lodge, Sportsmens Lodge(Churchill River), New Moon Lodge, and Lawrence Bay Lodge(Reindeer Lake). Walleye is our priority fish. Location doesn't matter, just North of the border.

I have had good luck with Air Ivanhoe in Foleyet, Ontario. They have fly-in and boat-in camps. The walleye fishing has been very good on 1 to 4 pound fish. Not a lot of really big walleyes.
I have I think taken 7 or 8 trips to Stanley’s resort in Vermillion Bay, Ontario. I used to go to a different resort with a group of guys for years. As the group continued to get smaller I figured I needed to get my 2 young kids and wife involved if I want to keep going so we ended picking Stanley’s. Great family destination. Wife and kids love it. Boys were 5 and 7 when we started. They are a little higher priced than some resorts but the place is first class. Great people and great occomidations. Over the years I’ve brought other families up there and recommend it to anyone.

We went here for our senior class trip, and I believe the school has gone with them every year or nearly every year since. Kind of neat, you ride a train into the camp. Believe the biggest fish we caught were a 27 inch walleye and 39 1/2 inch pike. Not much for smalley fishing, or we didnt seek it out if there was. We had very wet weather to start our week but the cabins are really nice and it didn't bother us much, just played a lotttt of Sheepshead.
I believe you may need a bodyguard, cook, baggage handler, heck... I'll play a fish psychologist! Sounds like a GREAT time. Make sure to take pics! Was thinking of getting a few friends together to do a walleye - pike trip. Look forward to June's thread on your experience.
I highly recommend Big Canon Lake Lodge, incredible fishing and the prices are great. I've got zero complaints. Planning a trip back there this coming June as well. The walleye fishing is remarkable, but you're kids will lose their mind throwing poppers in the clear water lakes for smallies. If you have any questions about the place fill free to ask away.
I fished with Cree River Lodge in Northern SK and would do so again without hesitation. Amazing pike and some awesome walleye.
We did our Canada pike and walleye trips with Lynn Lake Fly-in Outpost Camps in Northern Manitoba. Russ Bettschen was the operator. Our first trip with them was in 1993 and went for 4 more trips thru them also. Good outfitter, planes, and camps. Bears and moose were seen daily. More fish than I could dream about. Late June/ early July was when we went.

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