Yeti GOBOX Collection

Re-whitening a Euro Skull


Active member
Jan 22, 2013
I've got a couple euro mounts that I had done 5-7 years ago that look pretty good, but aren't as white as some others that I see around. They have a slight yellow to them instead of bright white.

Has anyone successfully re-whitened a skull long after the original bleaching was done? If so, do you just use some of the standard bleaching processes or is there a different technique because is had already been done once?

Thanks in advance for letting me ask possibly dumb questions.
I'd buy the whitening supplies at the beauty store, apply the paste, wrap in a bag or plastic wrap, leave over night in a warm room and wash it off. Maybe don't need to leave it that long but thats how I do the first whitening myself. You should be able to re-whiten them.
Buy the 40% by volumeimage.jpg it costs no more than $15 and do what said above!
That'll whiten it, but it won't remove the yellow (grease). That's there for good unless you degrease it. People use, coleman fuel, acetone, dawn dishsoap, and TSP to degrease bones, and then soak in the Peroxide to whiten it after being degreased.
Personally I Like the more natural look. I've seen a lot of bones and skulls while out hiking and hunting. None of them paper white.
That'll whiten it, but it won't remove the yellow (grease). That's there for good unless you degrease it. People use, coleman fuel, acetone, dawn dishsoap, and TSP to degrease bones, and then soak in the Peroxide to whiten it after being degreased.

I was told oxyclean is good too
I dropped a couple of pronghorn euro mounts when was moving. Tossed all the bits into a plastic bin and a while later Frankensteined them back together with gorilla glue. Smoothed out the glue. Problem was the glue was amber and the skull was not. I taped plastic wrap around the base of the horns and used an off white, flat finish Rustoleom spray paint to get a uniform color on the skull. Put the skull back on the mount plaque. Looks okay and certainly better than when was missing bits from the skull. I have around 20 euro mounts in the garage and they are various shades of skull color so I do not even recall which two got repaired.

If I was you, I would clean the skulls every year or so if is important to have a uniform, white shade. I doubt my euros are touched again until the spouse gets back from the funeral.
Use the whitener from the beauty supply store after cleaning the skull. Then, it really helps to put the skull on a white sheet in direct sunlight. mtmuley
I tried to re-whiten a Wyoming pronghorn from 2010 this fall when I did my moose skull. The pronghorn had really started to show some yellow grease. I soaked them both in Dawn for about a week then soaked in 35% peroxide as I normally do. The old pronghorn didn't end up as white as the first time I did it. Kind of disappointing but I had to try. My artist wife suggested I paint it white with gesso (the stuff artists use to prep canvas) so that will be my next experiment.
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