Randy’s MT elk podcast info accuracy

Wind Gypsy

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2017
In the latest podcast Randy mentioned waiting to buy a point until after you get MT elk draw results. Last year I took that same info from gohunt, was unsuccessful in LE application, got a general tag, but wasn’t allowed to buy a bonus point because I had a tag and didn’t elect to pay for one during the main application.

That was particularly frustrating because I had messed up previously as well, I’ve hunted general tags the last 4 years and have only one bonus point..

Just verifying that this situation has changed or bringing it up so Randy can address it if he pleases and avoid angry emails when people can’t get their bonus points after the draw.
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The regs clearly state if you do not participate in the bonus point option and hold a tag that you CANNOT purchase a bonus point afterwards. Read the regs.

Why would Randy get angry emails? Last I checked he doesn't work for the FWP licensing department. If you can't understand the drawing process or have any questions regarding licensing, you need to contact the FWP licensing department. It's the applicants responsibility to go through and read everything.

It's funny the world we live in. A guy goes above and beyond trying to help people with more tips and tactics that has ever been put out for FREE, and then because they didn't do ANY homework themselves gets "angry emails" ...what a generation.
There is endless confusion between bonus points and preferences points in Montana, and rightly so. It’s a mess.

When all else fails, read the directions .....

You have to get bonus points through the drawing. You can buy a preference point afterwards.
Looks like BlakeA has the answer...Bonus points go toward limited entry permits and you check the box when you apply OR between July 1-Sept 30 for limited entry permits whether you want to participate in "bonus points". I believe where you went wrong is you checked the box NO when applying for a limited entry permit thus nullifying your option later.
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You have to get bonus points through the drawing. You can buy a preference point afterwards.

That's not entirely true either. If you don't apply for a permit, you can buy a bonus point afterwards. What a shit show of a system.
There is endless confusion between bonus points and preferences points in Montana, and rightly so. It’s a mess.

When all else fails, read the directions .....

You have to get bonus points through the drawing. You can buy a preference point afterwards.

To add further confusion, I believe you CAN buy bonus points after the draw IF you did NOT apply. I do not apply for pronghorn in MT but I do buy a bonus point each summer.
I'm not trying to fling crap at Randy here, just trying to prevent others from making the same (admittedly lazy) mistakes I have. Right or wrong, fact is Randy is an authority on elk applications and plenty of people will listen to his words without doing further due diligence.

From the Podcast with no context removed - "Back to points - If you didn't buy a point with your application, between July 1st and Sept 30th now we've made it in MT so you can buy a point for any of the species. You can buy a bonus point for the limited entry species, and you can buy a preference point for a general tag. Yet, you haven't lost out completely if you decide not to buy a point with your application. In fact I tell people, I wouldn't buy a point until I knew that I didn't draw. And if I didn't draw than maybe I'd think about going and buying a point."

My original post may have missed the mark by questioning the accuracy of the statement. In the scenario someone applies for LE unsuccessfully but draws a general tag, they still drew. However, they can't go buy the bonus point they would have gotten if they applied properly in the draw as pointed out by JLS and Mtnhuntr. I'd argue the statement above indicates you can still buy a bonus point after the draw in this scenario.

.... back to asking for handouts and playing victim with my generation mates.
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To add further confusion, I believe you CAN buy bonus points after the draw IF you did NOT apply. I do not apply for pronghorn in MT but I do buy a bonus point each summer.

Correct - If you do not apply you can buy bonus or pref point after the Draw.

If you apply for LE unsuccessfully, do not elect to buy a bonus point, but get a general tag, you can not buy bonus or pref point after the draw.

If you are unsuccessful in both LE draw and general draw and elected not to buy a bonus point, you can not buy a bonus point after the draw but I believe you can buy a preference point.

The two latter scenarios is where I feel people are frequently misunderstanding the message.
Wind Gypsy just curious, in the 4 years you have had a general tag yet only accumulated 1 bonus point, how many conversations have you had over the phone, by email, or face to face with an employee in the licensing department at MT FWP to breakdown exactly how their drawing system works? Particularly the Bonus Point option.
I'm not trying to fling crap at Randy here, just trying to prevent others from making the same (admittedly lazy) mistakes I have. My original post may have missed the mark by questioning the accuracy of the statement..... back to asking for handouts and playing victim with my generation mates.

...fify :)
What a shit show of a system.

Yeah... although is there a state that isn't, CO bear tags are hilariously complicated... I heard about my 2020 bear tag in AK before I hunted my 2019 tag, how the hell does that make sense... WY has two completely different systems, one for Non-Residence and one for residents... every state in the west has a slightly different blaze orange requirement...

Seems like you have to spend an awful lot of time on the web or reading a booklet to participate in an activity that you ostensibly do to get aware from the trappings of civilization, I'm sure the irony is lost on no one...
Wind Gypsy just curious, in the 4 years you have had a general tag yet only accumulated 1 bonus point, how many conversations have you had over the phone, by email, or face to face with an employee in the licensing department at MT FWP to breakdown exactly how their drawing system works? Particularly the Bonus Point option.


First couple years i hunted with a resident friend in a general zone and had no ambitions of hunting elsewhere.

Third year I applied for LE, earned a point and wished I would have done the same the previous two seasons.

Last year I read gohunt employee comments in the comment section indicating you could buy bonus points and pref points after the draw so errantly didn't include a bonus point in my LE application. After failing to purchase bonus point in the summer I called FWP to get a better understanding of how it worked and took it as a lesson learned.

Today - listened to the MT elk podcast on way into work, heard statement referenced above in this thread, and thought I should point it out so others don't make the same mistake I did.
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