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RAIN GEAR, jacket and pants or small tarp? Unconventional but makes sense


New member
Mar 9, 2014
I backpack hunt Colorado late august and September every year and ive committed to upgrading my rain gear for the monsoons this year. Ive been researching different gear that's light weight, kuiu is my preference but ive had an unconventional idea. Ive thought about running a backpack tarp vs jacket and pants, just sit down and cover up, wait out the storm. Last year the rains were short and inconsistent. Each time it started raining we covered up and sat under a tree, so why not a small light tarp? Cheaper, lighter, and will allow me to cover up my bow, backpack and myself. Anybody ever done this? Thoughts?
Thinking even more outside the box here. I bought an umbrella blind a couple years ago. I only expected to use it as a quick blind for turkey and archery elk hunting, but after getting caught in the rain with it a couple times I don't really worry about raingear anymore. I use it a lot more than I expected.
I wear my Core4 Torrent rain jacket as outer layer in Sept even if not raining. It is quiet and breathes/vents pretty well. After the sun comes up the Torrent stuffs into its own pocket, and that fits in my pack or cargo pocket. Weighs a pound.
Ive been looking at the kuiu ultra stuff, the pants and jacket weight a pound together. Its pricey though and probably wont hold walking through waist high bushes. The chugach stuff weighs more but will probably hold up better
I've decided to try a camo poncho next year. It packs down small and light and still allows me to be mobile. Its maybe not as motion friendly as quality rain gear but its cheap and allows me to not have a wet outerlayer when it quits raining.
The lightest weight tarp I can find is 9oz. Its the Kifaru sheep tarp and its 9'x5'. Most tarps are slightly larger and generally between 12-16 oz for ultra light.

Rain gear continues to evolve and get better because it is still a piece of clothing/gear. My concern and I think the main reason rain gear is still needed is if you're in a situation where you need to move during the rain. Sheltering in place with a tarp is a no brainer, but moving to or from a hunting place will make you a happier camper with rain gear.

I guess the difference is shelter is shelter and rain gear is meant to be used while moving.

The rain pants I have now are Under Armour and I like them. I use them as a hard shell in all weather, not just rain. My rain coat my serve the same double duty. The rain coat I have now is not designed towards hunting so its only used in rainy times, but its due for replacement.
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I always have a light weight camo ripstop poncho folded up in the bottom of my pack for waiting out storms or emergency shelter.
It has saved my ass more than once. Same with the emergency space blanket in the 1st aid kit.
Packable rain gear is with me too,unless there is NO chance of rain/snow.
I prefer to have rain pants/jacket for both rain and for wet vegetation. The core4 worked fine for me last fall. Quiet enough and was good for both rain and snow.
It depends on what you think you might see for rain, but I am considering just packing a 6x6 piece of Tyvek (house wrap), some tarp clips (, and shock cord. This setup hardly weighs anything and you could easily make a shelter to get out of the rain, wrap up in it to break the wind, or cut a hole in the middle and you would have a poncho. Not to mention it would be great for keeping meat clean while quartering.
I have the Koldo set from Kryptek and I wear it as an outer layer for when it's colder, wear it when sitting and glassing, and it's great when moving through the wet brush. I know the Koldo is a little heavier than others but when it's pulling double or triple duty it's not bad. I rarely have actually used it to stay dry in the rain...
What's your plan if it sprinkles all day? Just going to call it quits? What if all the brush and vegetation is wet? Rain gear will keep you dry while hunting and keep your pants from getting wet and seeping down into your boots. Buy the rain gear.
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