Question for you Antelope guys


New member
Nov 21, 2011
New Mexico
I have a bow hunt for antelope in New Mexico that is from August 24th through September 1st. When does the rut typically kick in. I know that it is generally in September but could they start as early as August 24th or is that going to be too early.

I bought the be the decoy hat and shirt so I am just trying to plan accordingly.

You will probably be a week or two early for good rutting activity. Rutting starts hard and heavy in mid-September, with some activity prior to that. They will be territorial by the end of your hunt and making sure other bucks stay out of their 'hood. You should have a blast. Good luck.
Randy is right, I usually don't start hunting till the the second weekend in Sept., they start going great from Sept. 5 or so too about Sept. 20 is prime time in my opinion, but that doesn't mean much, Good luck, I would find a water hole or travel corridor,
Thanks for the information, I am super excited about this hunt. I have learned a lot from this site and can't wait to try some different tactics on these antelope. I am not sure sitting on water will be a good idea. We have been getting slammed with rain these last couple of weeks. So if it keeps it up then sitting on water may not work out. But that is alright cause I really want to give be the decoy a good shot.

the be the decoy get up doesnt work everytime,but it does work great when it does,,i have found better luck mornings and evenings,or cloudy days seems that the light angle can make them more suseptable and maybe not focus as well.also if your moving in on them,work there direction at an angle,,they dont like direct approach as well,good luck.