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Public Perception of Hunters


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
Interesting article put out my meateater yesterday.

I think the perception of "Trophy Hunting" is greatly misunderstood.
Asking about hunting for meat in three questions with greatly different responses. Asking about wildlife management and just adding the word "healthy" significantly changed the responses.

This is why I hate surveys, so easy to sway responses the way you want them to.
Asking about hunting for meat in three questions with greatly different responses. Asking about wildlife management and just adding the word "healthy" significantly changed the responses.

This is why I hate surveys, so easy to sway responses the way you want them to.
Spot on. In marketing they show how easy it is to get the answer you want by phrasing the question.
Asking about hunting for meat in three questions with greatly different responses. Asking about wildlife management and just adding the word "healthy" significantly changed the responses.

This is why I hate surveys, so easy to sway responses the way you want them to.

as much as it sucks, it just shows that we have to intelligently market ourselves. and work hard to silence the belligerent dipshits selling bloody shoes that represent us social media
Does “#*^@#* your feelings” work well?

Envision this all of you wonderful humans… We are cruising down the street in our Official Hunters Bandwagon with some quality tunes pumping (you can only imagine what JLS would pick). The stories of bucks, bulls, and bullshiz are flowing lubricated with delicious brews. We suddenly see some Johns and Janes (side not… do we need a third option?) hanging on the side of the road. We come to a screeching halt, offer them a cold one, and say want to go for a ride on the Hunters Band Wagon? They ask why, and we say to conserve land and animals for generations to come! They seem jacked and then we tell them to fack their feelings.
I get absolutely baffled every time I see a video with people acting this way... I've had boats pull up to me on the water and get mad because I was fishing "their" spot. I always just respond with something smartass along the lines of "dang, I must have missed the sign" while looking around me...
Just curious, how many have ever responded to any telephone or internet survey?
Just curious, how many have ever responded to any telephone or internet survey?
Guess it depends who asks. If it was an email from a well-known brand like meateater, I'd respond if I had time. Lets say their sample was from 2,000 responses, I'm sure they had to send it to 20,000 or more people to get those 2,000 responses.
Guess it depends who asks. If it was an email from a well-known brand like meateater, I'd respond if I had time. Lets say their sample was from 2,000 responses, I'm sure they had to send it to 20,000 or more people to get those 2,000 responses.

The question again is, “Why?” If it is simply a random email survey they tend to be inaccurate because people are busy and tend to answer surveys they’re emotional about.
I hear and see enough to know that there's a good reason that many don't approve of hunting.

I'm finding it harder and harder to defend some of the things I see not only hunters doing, but also our GF/DWR/FWP, etc. Departments doing.

The older I get the more I seem to find myself maybe not siding with, but certainly sympathizing with, those that don't approve of hunting.
I hear and see enough to know that there's a good reason that many don't approve of hunting.

I'm finding it harder and harder to defend some of the things I see not only hunters doing, but also our GF/DWR/FWP, etc. Departments doing.

The older I get the more I seem to find myself maybe not siding with, but certainly sympathizing with, those that don't approve of hunting.
Approval of hunting should be kept separate from approval of a specific person/influencer portrayed by the media.

I don't approve of poachers, or shitty influencers shooting at long ranges, but I approve of hunting as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, hunters are the face of hunting as a whole and create the positive/negative feelings generated by the general public.
When I look at surveys like this, I find public opinion is akin to the "Whore/Madonna complex" all over again. The outdoorsman is either a rugged upstanding Conservationist, or a beer swilling hillbilly who gets his kicks shooting road signs and poaching.

This to me tells me public opinion is worth what you pay for it.

But did people actually stand behind their words? The survey followed up with the question, “Have you ever taken trash that was NOT yours out of the woods or waters while you were participating in other nature-based activities?” Of people who were active hunters, anglers, shooters, and trappers, 80% said “yes.” Whereas only 55% of people who were none of the above responded “yes.”
Approval of hunting should be kept separate from approval of a specific person/influencer portrayed by the media.

I don't approve of poachers, or shitty influencers shooting at long ranges, but I approve of hunting as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, hunters are the face of hunting as a whole and create the positive/negative feelings generated by the general public.

I am very strategic when talking about hunting, especially when teaching. I always have a plan. In the words of John Wooden, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

When I talk about poachers I have a plan, and focus on poachers being different than hunters. They do not operate from a position of rules, ethics, and/or morals. Poachers aren’t squares. Squares can be called a square or rectangle, heck even a parallelogram. Poachers aren’t hunters and poachers. They are poachers. They may be similar, but are not the same. Maybe poachers are trapezoids…. It may sound tough, but if you intentionally poach you’re labeled. BAM! Maybe they have to have a big P branded on their forehead? I know there are extreme cases when poachers are truly killing for food. I would have to see the case to pass judgment.

My experience shows that if you discuss hunting from a base of high ethics, morals, and even science people respond well. I focus on family, food, being a natural part of an ecosystem, population management, and more I have had nothing but listening, learning, and being open. I intentionally stay away from antlers, horns, and fur when talking to uninformed or misinformed people. I think it’s stupid for anyone to categorize themselves as trophy hunters. If that was the SINGULAR reason from hunting as a hole, I would be against it. Don’t get me wrong, I bones and fluff.

I routinely talk about hunting, fishing, and wildlife management when teaching science, math, life skills, archery and more. I teach in a public school.

So, have a goal. Shift concepts on hunting to the positive. Next take action by having a plan.
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