Progress on Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
The fact that a bi-partisan group of Senators pushed this forward is very helpful. LWCF has done so much for hunting access. Making it permanent is probably less challenging than full funding. Both permanent and full funding is the goal for those who have tired of seeing this earmarked money diverted to other areas of the Federal budget.

Thanks to all the Senators who have worked on this. Look forward to it getting to the next step.

United States Senator ∙ North Carolina
Richard Burr
217 Russell Senate Office Bldg. ∙ Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3154 ∙ FAX (202) 228-2981

Bipartisan Group of Senators Look to Gain Permanent Reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Friday, April 7, 2017 CONTACT:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Senators Richard Burr (R-NC), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and others today introduced legislation to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which would fully realize LWCF’s promise to conserve parks, open spaces, and wildlife habitat for the benefit of hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation. Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Steve Daines (R-MT), Cory Gardner (R-CO), and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) also cosponsored the legislation.

“The LWCF has a proven track record of making good on the promise of conserving our parks, open spaces, and wildlife habitats for the benefit of future generations of Americans,” said Senator Burr. “My colleagues and I offer this bill to permanently extend the LWCF, a program that preserves our natural heritage but does so without asking American taxpayers to shoulder the burden. I look forward to my colleagues coming together to pass this bipartisan legislation.”

“Access to Colorado’s open spaces is critical to our thriving outdoor recreation economy,” Senator Bennet said. “The LWCF has supported hundreds of projects across Colorado, from protecting the Ophir Valley to expanding and improving the Animas River Trail to providing Denver kids with outdoor educational opportunities in their own neighborhoods. We should pass this bill to reauthorize the program permanently, and at the same time, Congress should move to ensure the LWCF receives full and dedicated funding going forward."

“The LWCF is our most important and successful conservation and recreation program. I have long supported this landmark program that has created opportunities for Americans to enjoy the outdoors in every state,” said Senator Collins. “By permanently extending the LWCF, our legislation will help create a more stable, long-term plan that allows landowners, states, local communities, and conservation partners to reasonably plan for the future.”

“LWCF is a critical tool that helps expand access to our public lands and preserves our Montana way of life,” said Senator Daines. “By permanently reauthorizing LWCF we can remove uncertainty and protect access to public lands for future generations."

“LWCF is essential to protect Colorado’s natural treasures and I have long supported a permanent reauthorization of this program,” said Senator Gardner. “This bipartisan, commonsense legislation is supported by countless Coloradans and Americans who want to protect our country’s public lands for future generations to enjoy. I’ll continue to work with my colleagues to see permanent reauthorization of LWCF signed into law.”

"The Land and Water Conservation Fund has helped protect some of our most treasured public lands and wildlife refuges in New Mexico like the Valles Caldera and Ute Mountain,” Senator Heinrich said. “LWCF also expands opportunities for outdoor traditions like hunting, camping, and fishing that are among the pillars of Western culture, and a thriving outdoor recreation economy. Permanently and fully funding LWCF will help ensure that our outdoor heritage and public lands will be protected for future generations to enjoy."

Read the legislation here.
Sent a letter thanking Sen. Heinrich .
Sen. Udall might support it,but has become a flake as of late.
Rep.Pearce will do everything in his power to steal the $ & public lands.
I will be sending both my senators emails today. Sen. Brown (D) has supported LWCF issues in the past, as well as Sen. Portman (R). Hopefully Portman will support it again.
I sent emails yesterday to my senators and representative. Hard to imagine them receiving feedback in opposition to this..
Funny that this post has received little to no traction but the two negative one's sitting atop this thread are full of comments. Thanks Randy for shedding some light on the good going on, if we want it to continue, we may want to recognize it. Emails sent!
That's awesome, something positive to get behind. I'm shooting off an email to my Reps right now.
Funny that this post has received little to no traction but the two negative one's sitting atop this thread are full of comments. Thanks Randy for shedding some light on the good going on, if we want it to continue, we may want to recognize it. Emails sent!

My thoughts exactly. Too bad so many guys want to cry wolf instead of work towards positive solutions.

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