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President Bush Needs the Gunner!!!


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
In Today's mail, GW sent me a letter needing my help. Here is his letter:

September 12, 2003

Dear Mr. Gunner,
Marc Racicot told me he sent you your Bushe Cheney Charter Member card adn asked for your financial support of my reeelection campaign.This "member" card was a classy thing, kind of like that thing the No. American Hunting Club sends....

If you said "yes", then thank you. It means a great deal to know you're in my corner as Kick Cheney and I get ready for what could be a close, hard-fought race. But if you recieved Marc's letter and haven't yet decided to joing my campaign team, I ask for your help today. Does GW really think it is going to be a close race????

As Marc told you, the Democratic candidates are already on the attack, using super-charged rehetoric. In doing so, they are helping to make the stakes and vast differences of the 2004 election very clear. Besides "Super-charged rhetoric", what other kinds of rhetoric is there? Turbo-rhetoric? Normally aspirated rhetoric?

I will use America's power to lead the world to greater security and peace. We must win the war on terrorism and promote freedom around the globe if our children are to live in a more peaceful world. How do you know when you have won the war on terrorism ? Who is going to do the surrendering?

I have acted to strengthen our economy by cutting taxes and restrianing government. Our economy has suffered a seris of schocks: we cut taxes at just the right time to pull us out of recession. Raising taxes now would be bad for American familes, American jobs, and America's economy. Just ignore the unempoloyment rate, the ballooning trade deficit, the soaring budget deficit....

I will work for a more compassionate socicety where no child is left behind and where poeple know they are responsible for their actions, for the children they bring into the workdl, and for loving a neighbor like they'd like to be loved themselves. Lovin' the neighbor? He must have seen the ex-Laker cheerleader moved into the Gunner's trailer park....

These are clear choices. If you agree they are important, then please acitivate your Bush Cheney Charter Member card today by sending a gift of $40 or $25. I need your help now to put in place the campaign I need to win a second term. Moosie only asks for $24......

I am honored to serve as your President. If you agree with my leadership and values, then I hope you will support me today. And I am honored to still have a job in this economy......

s/ George W. Bush
Wow, a personal letter from GW?!! I suppose your check is already in the mail, right? I see that he didn't mention anything about what he wants to do for the environment.

Typical whiney democrat. Put all the blame where it will not make you look bad, but offer no realistic way to fix the problem. What a joke, I hope nobody in here takes you seriously.

I am still waiting for you to answer questions on the other thread about how "the previous administration" created a booming economy and exactly how is it that Bush is to blame for the economy going into the shitter after 9/11???

Good catch, I didn't even notice the lack of any claims of an enviromental policy. I guess Whitman took that when she left...

You gotta ask GW on that one... I don't tell him who to appoint, I just send him the check...

I too, hope nobody takes me too seriously.
I am here to have fun, and if others can't laugh, then that is sad for them. But, I do find it interesting that you have to label me a "whiney democrat". People often throw labels on others, for their own conveinence. I would guess, that 70% of the votes I have ever cast were for Republicans, 20% for Democrats, and 10% are in non-partisan races (Sherriff, County Commissoner, Hwy Dist, Judge, etc..) I don't believe I am "whiney", but if you think I am, then it would likley be more accurate for you to refer to me as a "whiney republican".

And do you want to know how I get letters from Bush??? It is based on past Campaign contributions to Bush. I have sent him money for Govenor races in Texas and in the 2000 Presidential race. Lighten up, and laugh a little bit in life....

That is kind of funny, you now referring to me as the Professor, after you no-showed on teaching us all how you could repay a deficit without using Tax dollars.
Yes I do know how you get those letters from Bush, I was just being a smartass...
I guess it is hard to tell my posts are pretty sarcastic too. Maybe I just do not hit the smiley button enough. I must have bad cyber-manners. Here ya go

I have been making occasional wise cracks about democrats ever since someone (wont say names) "labeled" all republicans rednecks... They are no more than smartass comments. It seems that you and a couple others that share your views get defensive at any comment toward you, but you expect everyone to brush off the "fatass atv rider", "welfare rancher" and other comments? BTW I agree 100% with you "guys" (would hate to say names and upset the grinch) on the welfare ranching, ATV and most other issues, it just seems that if you can dish out those comments you should be able to take some too....

"Lighten up, and laugh a little bit in life...."

I laugh plenty, especially when I am on this site. Again I guess I just need more smilies...

And do not worry about me I do not take anyone here seriously, except maybe Pointer since he is by far the most reasonable...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And do not worry about me I do not take anyone here seriously, except maybe Pointer since he is by far the most reasonable...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Anyone who uses words like "stochastic" in casual conversation is NOT reasonable.
Careful or you'll give him a big head!
Dg- You turn a 4 hour drive into a 10 hour marathon so that someone else can shoot a bear and catch a bigger fish some BIG HEAD is definitely in order!!!

FEW- Reasonable??
I try. Thanks for the props, dawg!

For some reason, I kind of put you in the same category as the "mythical MarlandS". Some patriarch-type character, who sits back and watches the happenings of the minions, and occasionally comes down to deliver the decisive comment, or correct some serious injustice.

And I didn't say you couldn't call me names, but I did think you should be corrected for mis-labeling me a democrat, when my voting record would show otherwise...

Yeah, maybe I am a bit thin-skinned, but I try to keep everything I post to be PG-13, and I think I rarely call people names, and when I do, I capitalize it like Welfare Rancher..

And you have to admidt, some people's behaviour here is pretty funny. Look at Paul here, calling me out on an Econ lesson, when he failed to explain how a deficit could be paid without using Taxes. And then he wants an Econ lesson from me, after calling me a Moron.

So, if you really want my Econ lesson, here is a link that will give some facts on retail spending.
Retail Spending Figures

And if you want my analysis of the situation, I think you could find a better expert. I haven't sat in a serious Econ classroom since Graduate school, and I always found Macro economics to be a bit distant for me. But, in a nutshell, I think Bush put to much emphasis on Monetary policy, and thought it would override the effects of a mis-guided fiscal policy.
I personally don't think Greenspan has had much of a lever since about 3% rates.

I would have posted this in the other thread, but I forgot which one it was in... Now do you suppose Professor Paul will tell us how you can pay for a deficit without using Taxes???
LMAO Pointer. I was wondering why Jeremy kept coughing up all those "lugies".

Gunner I do not comment on many of the issues because I know that I do not have half the information others on the board have (ie I really do not know shit about the dam breaching in Idaho). Sometimes I think it would be better if others that do not know shit would keep it zipped, but that would really take the fun out of the whole thread. If everyone knew the facts then there would be noone to call stupid, morons, rednecks etc... welfare ranchers do not deserve capital letters IMO.
I got the same letter this morning and I have never given any politician any money.

You guys do crack me up though. I spent half my life working for one welfarerancher or another. Most of whom were fantastic people. Most of my adult life as a ATV rider (only the last 10 as a fat ass), and oh yeah I'm a redneck too, at least so I've been told. You guys can call me names I don't care. LOL

I wouldn't let a lack of knowledge stop you from posting.... It doesn't seem to bother Some.
Actually, people like Ten provide a suitable stooge, to use as a vehicle to provide information. I spend a bit of time bantering, a bit of time beig a smart ass, and then drop in a bit of information/opinion. But you need the un-witting to be able to keep the threads going.

As for Dam breaching in Idaho, you should know shit about it, after reading many of these threads. There is more information in this Forum on dam breaching than there is in most newspapers or other places.

Sometimes I worry that SI is too IDAHO based, and not relevant enough to others. I would love to read (and not comment too much) about the issues in other places. Oak brings us in some Colorado topics, which are interesting, but I usually don't have much to add. And then there are CJ's topics, but I still struggle to see the impact on hunting and fishing..

And for me, I never take offense at being called a redneck. If I could, I would have lots of cars up on blocks in my yard...

I agree, many Welfare Ranchers are fantastic people. We have one in our Elkcamp each year, and we have a great time. The turkey I killed on Sunday was up at another Welfare Rancher's private ground. I come from ranching stock, and there is something about that lifestyle that is appealing. But my family has always used private pasture, so we never had the Welfare Rancher label. (Kind of a "you can love the people, but hate the act" type of thing...)

And I own an ATV also. They are great for moving cattle. But to me, it is just a tool, no more interesting than a pair of boots, or a framing hammer.

One of my favorite Redneck moments was sitting on a front deck, with everybody holding cans of Wasp spray, and Coors Light, drinking beer, and trying to shoot wasps out of the air...
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