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Sooooo.....I can get money selling where critters are? Or just their tracks? Maybe I am getting a Cooper for Christmas. mtmuley
Isn't the best part of hunting actually being outside and finding things on your own or with friends? If the trends continue people will be paying for animal locations, driving no closer than 1 mile to shoot from their truck, and having the team america chopper come in and take the carcass directly to the processor via a large net. Paper maps, open sights, and hard work are sounding pretty good right now...
Bounty hunting (selling an animals location) has been going on in Utah for at least the decade I've been watching.
Sadly, I think there will be a market for this type of thing more and more. And as access continues to diminish, the value of a track on public land will rise. Personally, I hope this has no traction and we see an end to this type of thing.
I don't like it, but many that think it's okay say that is not that different than a guided hunt that you pay an outfitter and guide to do all of that and more for you in that they actually take you to scouted game and do all but pull the trigger.
Isn't the best part of hunting actually being outside and finding things on your own or with friends? If the trends continue people will be paying for animal locations, driving no closer than 1 mile to shoot from their truck, and having the team america chopper come in and take the carcass directly to the processor via a large net. Paper maps, open sights, and hard work are sounding pretty good right now...

The end has been justifying the means in hunting for way too long...just another step in that direction.
Reading their website, it's pretty pathetic. Classified adds for selling locations. Looks like it's time for legislation outlawing the sale of a game species location, or the advertisement of that sale.
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1. No different than the Bighorn Brokers of Montana who spend all summer scouring the breaks for a September hunter with some scratch to give.

2. I got a lab who likes to wander and am investing in some mountain lion paw slippers for her. Cha-Ching.
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