NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Preferred Copper Remover

Hoppe's Elite Copper Terminator has worked well for me. It's slowing acting, but there aren't the harsh smells if that bothers you as it bothers my wife.
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I've quit using the hardcore copper removers but used Montana X-treme Copper Killer and converted to using Break-free CLP

I am now going to try Ed's Red (homemade bore cleaner of Odorless kerosene, tranny fluid, mineral spirits, and acetone). Caution should be used as it can dissolve plastic.
Showing my, Experience... yeah, I like that better better, "Experience". :)

CLP was the New Age stuff when I went to the Desert. Still using it. It works.

But back when the Delta was more water than terra firma, we were still using OFF bug spray to clean rust and 10W30 as lube on our M14's and 1911's. That worked too.
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Wipe out is fantastic. What takes me a few hours with hoppes I can do in an hour with wipe out. I usually crack the hoppes open anyways while cleaning my rifles, something about the smell just reminds me of hunting season.
Does anyone use the Barnes CR-10? The reviews on Midway caught my eye and made me think I should try it.
Careful with CR-10. Don't get distracted and leave it in your bore. Unless something changed, it can etch your barrel when left in too long. A few yeas ago I was told by a Barnes tech to use non-chlorinated brake cleaner after the CR-10. I was having fouling issues in a .338 Ultra and Barnes TTSXs. mtmuley
I use Wipeout or KG products.
I really like the KG products compared to most as they do not have a bad odor and do a great job.
The wipeout seems to do a real good job on copper and saves you from having to have a rod run through the barrel so many times. I have not found wipeout to be the great end all to other cleaning products as some people have. I usually follow up with the KG products especially when it comes to the carbon.
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