Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

POW spring Black bear hunt 2014


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
We had an exciting spring black bear hunt on POW island. I should have titled this: "A BIG LEARNING CURVE". We learned a lot and had lots of fun. It's not as easy as those people on TV make it look (or seem to make it look).

I went along with my brother and two cousins. They had tags and I was along for the ride. I have a tag for next year and I plan to go back.

If any of you have questions on hunting the island I will share my "newly gained knowledge"

This may be boring for some of you that have been to Alaska,

Leaving Minneapolis on Alaska Airlines

Ferry from the airport to the town.

First day in Ketchikan was the wettest day that we had.

Had to see the local sights before the ferry left the next day for the island.

Me and bear.

Lots of float planes. Next year I will take a float plane to the island and save a day of travel.

After a 3 hour ferry ride to Hollis on POW island. Then a two hour drive to our destination.

Day 2 was the only day that it rained.

The place that we stayed. It was nice to have a bed to sleep in and a shower everyday (and the great hospitality). The place overlooked the inside passage. Everyday, sperm whales, pilot whales, seals, sea otters, and dolphins. Thanks, STEVE & CONNIE!!!!

View from the house everyday and night. The home overlooked the Inside Passage.

Cruise ships passed in the Inside Passage every morning and evening.
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We had one day when the water was like glass. So calm.

The boat that we had to use for the week. Thanks Steve.

Harbor at the place we stayed.

Day 1 we headed south in search of bear. The guy we stayed with is an avid hunter, however, he doesn't hunt bear. We later found out that the better bear areas were to the north. We drove the boat close to 20 miles the first day. My brother drove the small boat.

The grass flats that we hunted on day 1. We hunted mid morning and mid afternoon. No bears. Learned that we should have been hunting earlier and later.

On the afternoon of day 1 we learned how fast the tides rise. Yes, I remember seeing shows of other people's boat getting stranded. I can not believe how fast the tides rise and fall. Picture of my brother wading across 3 feet of water to get our boat.... that was now on an island. Next year a "LONGER ROPE".

Boat tied to island.

Day 2 we planned on hunting some "inner lakes". We got there in a mid tide so the lakes were not accessible by boat. The plan was to enter the lakes and stay overnight and hunt early mornings and late evenings. My brother did not feel safe with the idea. We covered much shoreline without seeing a bear. (NOTE: a few days later a local went out to the same place and shot a bear on his first time out on the water). Next year when I go back I plan on a spike camp to cut down on travel time. Tough to navigate a small boat in the dark with the tides.

My two cousins decide to hunt the clear cuts. On the first day they spotted this guy and after three shots he was down. They were being safe as they did not want to track him into the thick woods. 20 inch skull and the locals say he went about 550 lbs. The second biggest that the locals saw this year.

Some of the higher ground that the guys hunted.

After 2 days in the boat my brother decide to hunt the clear cuts. As a result I was off to fishing with my hosts. Fishing was slow, however, we did catch a few. We were about one week early for the salmon run. Some locals were catching a few salmon. One halibut was caught. Excellent eating.
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Heading out to fish in the bigger boat.

I just caught "junk fish". My first time ever bottom fishing. I caught a dolphin by accident. I have never seen line go off of a reel so fast in my entire life. I ask my friend what to do....he says "there is nothing that you can do. Just hold on and the line will break. Fortunately the dolphin released on his own before I ran out of line. (I wonder if the dolphin might have been tangled in the line rather then hooked). Either way it was a first time experience.

This is how thick the forest was.

I did some hiking on my own to scout other areas for next year. I carried this while hiking alone. I found it easier to hike the streams and logging roads then try the forest.

When we arrived there were tons of Sitka deer all along the roads. They were as big as barrels. Two days later there were fawns all along the roads in the grass. The fawns would just drop to the ground as a vehicle approached. Some defense mechanism. Locals say they are good meals for the bears. I hope to go back some fall to hunt Sitka deer.

Our host set out crab pots and we ate crab for dinner on two nights.

Was able to meet the island law enforcement. I asked for a photo with him, however, he stated: "NO, you will not believe what people do with my photos"

I was fascinated by the colors and shapes of all the starfish.

A barge pulling rail cars. He was headed north when we passed him and two hours later he turned around and was headed south. OOPS!!!

Filling the tank at the local gas station. Directly from the fuel truck.

Two cousins.

Me and brother.

Group photo.

Our WONDERFUL HOSTS... STEVE AND CONNIE. Thanks for everlasting memories.

the dog
Looks like you had a great time. I will be in Alaska, somehow, someway, every spring, until they plant me in the ground. Just too much fun.

Thanks for sharing.
Looks like you were roughing it with your accommodations there.

Great story and pics!!!
Looks like you had a grand time I have stayed up there in the town you were in pretty neat lil place. Although we didn't do well up there we headed back to Craig after a few days of beating the brush and no bear sign to brag about. We now hunt on the South end of the island and have went 4 for 5 down there. Congrats that is a great looking bear.
A couple of other Hunttalkers are going up in September. I hope we enjoy it as much as you did. Sounds like we need to be prepared for bushwhacking! I am glad you had a good/successful trip. Anything you would avoid on follow up trips besides the ferry due to time?
I'm looking for a partner for next year's hunt... Jeff.

good luck to all
the dog

I find out on this coming Thursday about a bid we have submitted. If we get the project, I know I won't be able to go....If we don't, then I will be in touch, for sure.
A couple of other Hunttalkers are going up in September. I hope we enjoy it as much as you did. Sounds like we need to be prepared for bushwhacking! I am glad you had a good/successful trip. Anything you would avoid on follow up trips besides the ferry due to time?

Can't wait Nick! From the looks of those pics we are in for a great time. Just getting to see and stay in such an amazing place is truly a blessing. Having bear and deer tags in our pockets is icing on the cake.

Thanks for posting some great pics and congrats to your party on a great bear. Best of luck to you next year! Good huntin'
Great Pictures, What time of the year were you there? we hunt Petersburg Area. Early May before Narrows get busy! The fishing is great mid day and you still see bears along the shore. Best time is low tide to slack. we try to pick week when tides occur during early morning hours and evenings.....theres lots of coves in Duncan canal area and wolves on the big islands

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