Posting a Hunting Story...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, I usually post a Lot of pictures when I post a Story. I feel it kind of guides you to the area we were at, the feelings we felt with facial expressions, the weather, etc. But I always take WAY too many pictures.

My question is, how many pictures is TOO MUCH ? Or is that even possible ?

I just went on a trip with my boy to Texas and sorted through the pictures and have about 48-55 pictures to tell the story. I can leave parts out but I think they are all funny and good in their own way. I will also have 2 video clips to add in as well. I'm just not sure how many pictures is too much ? Does it take that long to load ?

Lemme know your thoughts !!! Thanks !!
post 'em all. after reading your stories, the more the better. even the guys that I have told to come check out this place since BF announced all the new stuff, have been referred to read and watch your stuff. ie, "fenchy" hunting in africa is one of the favorites. damn thing should be stickied. "steve irwin" should be too.

on a seoerate note, hows the wife doing with the new addition coming? if its alright to ask about that.
Postem all. The more the better idea you get of the story.. I do the same thing in books. Just look at the pictures.;):D
Maybe you could have one thread, (short version), that's short and sweet, and another with all the pics and videos (heavy on pictures version), that gives the full version, not just the cliff notes version in the first thread? (short version) (heavy on pictures version)

Did you see any hogs?
too many pics do not bore me, what does is these long intros with nothing, or posts that go one for days to be continued day after day. Get it done before I bore:D

We all take too many pics but we do it to help remember the good times.
Share the good times with us, we always have the option to not look!
I think I have 2 pics I would need a Release from you first AA so I won't post those... the others are free game ;)

I wanted the new site to be up and running and looks like it is. I'll get that story up tonight !
Well as long as they are tasteful and nudity is held to a minimum, I am game. :D

So, are you going to share any honeymoon stories with us? :confused: :p
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moosie, post pictures, that way we don't have to read the text to try to figure out what you're trying to say
moosie, post pictures, that way we don't have to read the text to try to figure out what you're trying to say

Classic Choc. I have thought that many times, trying to decipher his spelling. Wish I would have thought of that one.
Yep, its today. Free beer tomorrow!

Ok, here's the cliff notes on the hunt.

A nice scouting hog comes in the first night.

He doesn't get shot and he spreads the word.

Smells like a yankee (i.e. north of the Nueces hunter).

No other hogs show. Is that it?

I used to hunt from the top of my jeep, slept in a lounge chair (camo) up there.
I'm from north of the Nueces too, but being on top of the jeep kept the scent up high.
The hogs would wake me up with thier noise, and I'd get them then.
Some say its my snoring, a good hog call, who knows.

A ground blind and a bow, that would make it hard to get a hog.
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