Politics Suck So...

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I've watched every debate until last night. I just can't take anymore of the nonsense that is going on. Heck, 95% of high school debates are more mature with more validity than what is going on anymore in national politics. In fact, I'm not watching any more debates and will just vote against whoever is running for the democratic ticket in November. Basically voting by way of knowing who I won't vote for. With that said, to heck with the debates, politics, and politicians in general, I'M GOING FISHING.

I had my friend Trevor Johnson at Kit's Tackle tie me up a new custom marabou jig. I couldn't wait to try it out. On the third cast I landed this little wild rainbow. None of the fish in this creek are planted and it's all natural reproduction.

I went on to catch 3 or 4 more browns just like this one below. He's around 14".

Towards the end of the evening I had a location on the creek I wanted to try and reach before dark. It is a very difficult spot surround by willows that go right down into the water. Beavers have created several dams and the water is deep. The beavers have also cut many of the willows off and they look exactly like punji sticks. One slip and they would act like punji sticks and it would be a nasty injury. So one has to be super careful navigating this section of the creek. One my second cast I felt some seriously solid on the other end of my line. Now keep in perspective I'm fishing a tiny creek that in most places I can jump across. The battle ensued and what a great battle it was. The fish kept digging for deep water. He made 3 hard runs before I got him near the bank. When I got him close to the bank he ran for tree roots or any brush he could find in the water. I really had to horse him and was just praying my line wouldn't snap. Finally I was able to slip him up the steep grassy bank. I took a quick photo with my phone, measured him, and slipped him right back in the water. He was a nice solid 19" right on the money. To say the least I'm very happy with this new marabou jig pattern and I expect I'll land quite a few more fish with it before I wear them all out. Stay tuned. :)
95% of high school debates are more mature with more validity than what is going on anymore in national politics.

...so true.

Beautiful fish pics.
Awesome as always. I really need to be hitting the streams around here soon. Hopefully we have a good spring and my muskie streams don't get muddied all up by heavy rain.
Great pics...If only politicians made time to go fishing, maybe we could stomach them a little more.

With a jig like that do you just cast and let it drift?
The Democratic debates are at least civil.....I was all about Trump till I heard he wanted to get rid of the EPA!?
Nice fish Troy. Are you casting the jigs upstream and dead drifting them down?

Edit: Looks like you were typing while I was. How fast? Just enough to keep it off the bottom?
I agree. I wish some people would grow up.

Looks like your new jig worked great! Nice fish!
JLS yes, faster in shallow water and a little slower where it's deeper, but I try to keep it off the bottom as there are too many snags. I'm sure a streamer would work too, except I don't think a guy could get his fly rod into most of these holes let alone find a way to cast. It's real tight cover.
Thanks Big Sky. I just placed an order at Kit's. Didn't see the red/black combo. Will give em a try and hope to have some photos to share soon!
Fowladdict1, there aren't any black and reds on the website because I had him custom tie those for me. Cost's a little more, but worth it. However, their standard jigs work great. You can call them and they will make you about any color combo you'd like. Two of our local sporting goods stores Scheel's and North 40 carry their jigs which is nice when I don't want to wait. :)
Nice Job Troy.. beautiful fish. I agree on your politics view as well.

I was thinking the other day. Randy should put a rule on here that if someone wants to talk politics they have to post a hunting/fishing story or wildlife pic first!

Take Care my friend.
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Nice! Very NICE!

Summithunting made me a few Pike flies I'll have to find a pic with a piggy pike.

Nice thread Big Sky! :)
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