NEW SITKA Ambient 75



New member
Jul 26, 2011
Southeast Idaho
So I was sitting there eating dinner tonight in a local establishment. A local walks in and starts talking to the guy I'm eating with. He starts talking about how he has deer and elk coming into his hay fields. So he proceeds to mention that he has a herd of about 14 deer coming in every night and that last night he shot a small buck. He started laughing about how he "gut shot that SOB". I continue to eat my dinner and don't say anything. He then says that he has a herd of elk coming in and he is going to shoot them because "we don't need anymore of them bastards". I don't know this guy very well at all and have only met him once. I think he just thought I was a passer through and didn't pay any attention to me because we were eating at the bar. Anyway, I got pretty upset and just kept my mouth shut. I hear he is kind of a lose cannon. So I get home tonight and start dwelling on how much BS this is and what an arrogant ass he was about what he had done and was planning on doing. Next step, make an anonymous report to Idaho Fish and Game Citizens Against Poaching. Hopefully they nail him for what he has done and will keep an eye on him in the future.

The right call or not? In my opinion I didn't have a choice.
No other choice, you made the only right decision. As a fellow eastern Idaho hunter and fellow RMEF life member, I thank you. Hope to hear his sentence/penalty soon.
It goes without saying that folks on this site will support your decision. It was the ethical and legal one to make. Don't lose any sleep or peace of mind for reporting him, it was the right thing to do.
Spot on with your decision. Obviously not the first or last time for him as easy as it is for him to talk about it in public.
great call. I don't know if I could have. . no I KNOW I couldn't have sat there without saying something, arrogant POS! Hope they nab him.
great call. I don't know if I could have. . no I KNOW I couldn't have sat there without saying something, arrogant POS! Hope they nab him.

I live in a very small town and this is a battle that wouldn't have been won in a restaurant. I think I made the right call by not having a confrontation and just reporting him to the proper authorities.
You did the right thing, and time will tell if Game and Fish does their part. There is a lot of that that goes on around the country. Unfortunately, many times the authorities do very little to stop it. There have been some real atrocities in New Mexico by land owners that did not like elk.

Here, I personally know of one farmer that did it under the guise of depredation shooting. They shot lots of deer and did not want to salvage the meat, so would just gut shoot them and let them run off. Neighbors turned them in, but there was really very little the local warden could do to prosecute them. They will not be getting any more depredation kill permits, though.

Many landowners look at these animals as rats and think they need to be exterminated.
I live in a very small town and this is a battle that wouldn't have been won in a restaurant. I think I made the right call by not having a confrontation and just reporting him to the proper authorities.
Yup. You also might want to follow up with IDF&G and see how you can help make sure this guy is caught. I'm sure they are still underfunded so they can't watch him 24/7.
yeah I would have called on that guy! The fact that he is proud to have poached the deer is extremely sad. Hope that guy learns his lesson, even if it is the hard way.
Nicely done. And I concur with your approach. Let the authorities handle it. You confronting him would not have any chance of changing his ways. Charges being filed and his name splashed in local papers might have a chance.

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