Yeti GOBOX Collection



Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Oregon did a five year study a few years ago with radio tagged deer. They found that as many deer were poached as killed legally each year. Think about that. In Idaho, roughly 45K deer are legally killed each year. Oregon would argue that another 45K are poached. Even if the number is 25% of legal kill each year is poached, that's 11K in poached deer a year. I think you'd find similar numbers for elk.

People complain about wolves but the real wolf sportsman should be trying to stop is poachers. Idaho code provides a maximum of a $1,000 fine and a six-month jail sentence for misdemeanor hunting violations, but most convictions result in far more lenient sentences.

How do we stop poachers? Most states have poaching hotlines. I would think we need to possibly increase the bounty for turning in a poacher and to increase the criminal penalties. One time mistakes happen but I think the serial poachers need more jail time.

Your thoughts?
That is waaay more than I would have expected. Do you have a link to that information?
I suppose the true number of animals poached is probably more than any of us would assume. Most punishments are like you said, too lenient.
It is a shame how many are illegally killed and how few scumbags are caught. I always enjoy reading about when and how they bust them.

The New Zealand guys that were suspected of poaching/guiding in unit 39 for a decade was a good story. Several years in the making for that sting.
I turned in 2 poachers the last 3 years. One was fully prosecuted and plead guilty. I think I picked the only state in the country that does not have a reward program. Haha. In fact, in one unit here the new CO dissed me when I got assaulted in the same unit the following year. Ultimately all they care about is their pensions here.
I could see the numbers being this high if you figure in the number of Big Game animals are hit and injured by hunters and not harvested...

One place I hunt, over the last 7 years our hunting group has encountered 5 antelope 1 muledeer and an elk that were all gangrenous after being shot weeks before...
I've read various studies and estimates by some of the states over the years and the number of animals they estimate to be poached, along with car kills, is astronomical and shocking.

Zim: You probably got assaulted by an undercover SFW volunteer, not a poacher, LOL!
I've read various studies and estimates by some of the states over the years and the number of animals they estimate to be poached, along with car kills, is astronomical and shocking.

Zim: You probably got assaulted by an undercover SFW volunteer, not a poacher, LOL!

No he was a newbie hunter that threatened to steal my video camera after I filmed him & his toadie harassing me. Sadly the criminal turned out to be a retired Air Force Reserve Sargent who seemed to think he owned all the public land within 300 yards of his "fresh out of the box from Cabela's newbie ladder stand fortress". How is that for someone who gains fame for defending our country?! The local sheriff's police & CO swept it under a rug and ran back to lean on their office water coolers. That was my reward for turning in the poacher in the same unit the year before. Aholes.
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Prior to my current career I was a LEO in IN for a couple of years and had the opportunity to work with our CO on a regular basis. I loved that guy. He was not only great at his job and incredible back up but had a true passion for the outdoors. His paperwork for foreitures on the poaching cases he worked was always top notch. Many a dirtbag lost trucks, equipment and guns due to his efforts. I think that is the real way to go after these folks. Prison is not something I would advocate but I would take everything they have that can be remotely tied to furtherance of their crime.
SFC B - What do you think about serial poachers? Serial meaning 3+ convictions, multiple dead animals. I would think confiscation of property, fines and jail time would be appropriate.
SFC B - What do you think about serial poachers? Serial meaning 3+ convictions, multiple dead animals. I would think confiscation of property, fines and jail time would be appropriate.

All of the above!! The fines need to be serious enough for it to hurt as well. I would START at $2,500 and go up from there. I would limit it to jail vs prison though (usually under a year) and require work release to pay ALL costs associated. These oxygen thieves aren't generally dangerous to the public at large, just our resources.
Just for offences like this our country really needs to revisit and revamp the whole community service system. There are plenty of guys who would laugh at the thought of getting fined $5000 but would s*** a brick if they had to spend the next four weeks painting Park buildings and doing real manual labor for free + the fine to pay for administration and supervision of the community service.
Just for offences like this our country really needs to revisit and revamp the whole community service system. There are plenty of guys who would laugh at the thought of getting fined $5000 but would s*** a brick if they had to spend the next four weeks painting Park buildings and doing real manual labor for free + the fine to pay for administration and supervision of the community service.

Yes, great idea. The public humiliation of doing manual labor is a better deterrent than pure cash fines for sure. Especially for the wealthy hunter who usually has more to lose with community service than simply writing a check.
Society chooses to accept this level of criminal activity by refusing to properly fund public safety. Not enough game wardens or other forms of law enforcement for that matter. Way too easy to get away with significant crimes these days.
I frequently hunt an area at the eastern edge of the Coast Range in Oregon for blacktails. The habitat is first rate, but deer production sucks. Been that way for years. Lots of residents, hikers, trailbikers, coyotes, kitty cats. Don't know what is getting them, but it's not me.
Curious if the study had the radio collars evenly distributed so mimics all deer in the state or if there was a bias to favor deer closer to population centers (less effort required driving a few minutes from the office rather than hiking to a remote drainage to attach collars to deer).

The selection of deer for the collars is important. If I am correct that poaching risk for any random deer is positively correlated to frequency of human interaction and yet the deer population is mostly not near larger cities then the observed poaching results could overstate poaching rates when the observed radio collar poaching statistics are then extrapolated to the entire deer population.

Poaching is a big issue though if the impact is overstated then could unnecessarily reduce lawful permits authorized.
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