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Sounds like a lobo watch moron. Would enjoy seeing some redneck sick their prize pit bulls on a pack of wolves. That's the kind of writing somebody does when their imagination is bigger than their single digit IQ and ambition to go wolf hunting combined.
I think a pit bull would be ripped apart by a wolf pack! Body mass is not comparable.

Pit bulls are so loveable to their owners. Why risk it?
So, where are the photos of the supposed pit bull carnage? They claim a few were killed by the 'armored fat headed monsters' that went Mad Max on the MT wolves. I am having a hard time buying it...
Also, I second JLS's comment about how dumb I now feel after reading that....two sentences really turned me into a mouth breather:
"I rode in the middle because I'm a real American woman and wouldn't miss this for the world" as well as " I thought in a pack the wolves would counter attack as a group but I think they never imagined Armored monsters like my babies coming straight out of the night with the sole purpose to bringing them to daddy.

Thank sweet baby Jesus for wolf killing Monster pit bulls and living in 'Merica. Does anyone else hear banjo music?
I think that story is complete BS but I have no doubt that a pack of trained pit bulls would put a hurtin on some wolves. If a wolf could compete with the fighting breeds, then they would be used in illegal dog fights.
That is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Pitbulls, or any breed of dog for that matter, don't have a chance in Hell against a wolf. They make a living killing stuff. Once you have a hands on look at one, it becomes pretty aparent they are built for killing. mtmuley
The only part that is left out of the "article" is the part where they bought the pork and beer at Wal-Mart.

I agree with JLS,
I feel dumber having read that.
That is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Pitbulls, or any breed of dog for that matter, don't have a chance in Hell against a wolf. They make a living killing stuff. Once you have a hands on look at one, it becomes pretty aparent they are built for killing. mtmuley

LOL have you ever had your hands on a big pit bull? And exactly what do you think they do for a living?

Wolves are made for surviving, which is not the same as killing, although it does encompass that from time to time.
out in mother nature I would put money on a wolf pack shredding an even amount of pitbulls.In a ring not certain.Which scenario is more ludicrous?
Believable is some meth head sicking his meth lab guard dog on some wolves, and Fido dies quickly.Stay tuned for an AP about such an incident up in the Pipestone area, or even more likely Ponderosa Pines.
I just skimmed the article. I think both animals would be dead, one right after the fight and the other a few days later form wounds. So I guess it solves two problems, wolves eating livestock and dangerous pit bulls. Now a single pit bull vs a pack of wolves that's a no brainer how that would end, but 1v1, guess you can speculate all day long but would never know, but I'd still think both would eventually die.
So, where are the photos of the supposed pit bull carnage? They claim a few were killed by the 'armored fat headed monsters' that went Mad Max on the MT wolves. I am having a hard time buying it...

Does anyone else hear banjo music?

This made me laugh. I can hear the Tina Turner sound track playing while the pit bulls put on their goggles and tighten up their metal spiked leather armor.

I think they're too dumb for banjos.
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This was investigated when it game out by FWP wardens, turns out it was fake. Imagine that.
stubby legs lunges for the throat, wolf dodges and hamstrings Pit,then kills him and eats him.
If a wolf could compete with the fighting breeds, then they would be used in illegal dog fights.

If pit bulls could easily kill wolves, every redneck town in North Idaho would have someone running pits. You never hear of it. Wonder why?:rolleyes:
Toby Bridges' wolf version of a penthouse forum letter. I can't believe I read the whole thing.
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