PEAX Equipment

peep sight location


New member
Nov 5, 2002
Walla Walla, WA
I just read an article in the August 2005 issue of Peterson's Hunting magazine about tuning your bow. On page 94 the article talks about peep sight positioning. It says that the peep sight should be located such that it is naturally in the right spot when one draws and anchors. That makes sense to me. It does not make sense to me that one should have to readjust their head/neck/eye position to look squarely through the peep sight.

I think my peep sight is too high because when I draw back with eyes closed and anchor in the spot that works for me and then open my eyes I find that the peep is high and I need to reposition my eye.

I asked the owner of the local bow shop about this and he was reluctant to change the position. He thought it would mess up my front sight or something like that.

My front sight is already lower than I would like it to be. If I lowered the peep sight would I have to reposition the front sight? If so would the front sight also have to go down? Thanks, Rufous
If you lower the peep you would have to move the front sight I think that you would have to move it up because you are moving the back of the bow up when you lower the peep, confusing I know but I think thats how it works. Oh and yes you should lower it you will shoot much better if the peep is in a natural position for you.
First off you need to go to a new bow shop. The guy should do whatever you want him to do. And to adjust something as simple as a peep site and sights is just rediculous. You definetly want the peep in the most natural position.

If you adjust your peep site you will definetly need to move your sights. They will need to move down. If your sight is already to low try moving your rest up a little which will make your sight move up as well. After all is said and done make sure to paper tune to get everything shooting in line.
Make the bow feel like a natural extension of the body.

IB has the up's and downs right.

When you say the front sight is too low.....can you elaborate on that? Do you mean the sight frame is so low that broadhead blades contact? If so, that's undesireable, because you end up shooting a longer, heavier arrow than needed. That can usually be remedied by moving the frame up and the individual sights down.
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