Parking Laws In Your State

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The fact is that you can't drive on a single interstate highway within the United States that doesn't have signs showing that stopping is for emergency purposes only. If none of you have seen them, then you must be asleep at the wheel! Now whether a particular trooper or troopers close their eyes to it and let guys park all day illegally to cross the fences and hunt is a completely different thing. For anyone to argue that it's not the law is just plain ridiculous.

Ask a Trooper: Stopping on the Interstate
By KBJR News 1

April 14, 2014
Updated Apr 14, 2014 at 12:04 PM CDT
Question: I was driving on the interstate and I pulled off onto the shoulder to take a call on my cell phone, which I thought was the responsible thing to do. As I sat there, a Minnesota State Trooper pulled in behind me, came up to my car and asked if I was having a problem. I told him I was fine, just answering my phone. He told me it was not legal to stop on an interstate highway for reasons other than an emergency – even to answer the phone. I was amazed to find this was the law.
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You seem to be really worried about this subject. Kind of strange coming from they not have a little crime there you could worry about? Hell, your biggest city is near or even in Bankruptcy. Perhaps if you would have paid closer attention to the quality of Michigan's drinking water Flint wouldn't be where it is at today. But, no pun intended, you may have taken it in the rear when you were parked along the interstate, thus I can see your concern. I know your expertise dates back over 20 years hunting the west, perhaps spending a handful of days a year, where a whole lot of us live year round, and being from outside the area, YOU are prone to tell us the proper way to do things where WE live. This is not uncommon for folks who come to our gorgeous states, but why is it the first comment you all make is "how beautiful" things are, the second is "but". Montana is my families home, I do not mine sharing it to some extent, but when you have a pompous, arrogant, blowhard always coming across that Toppy's way, is the right way, and all others are wrong, this person should be called out. Toppy, you really should get out some, you spend a hell of a lot of time on this forum, along with others, way more then the average member I would guess. Just because you visit the mountain states for a brief time each year, it does not make you an expert. You may know more then your average flatlander, but please do not try and tell those of us who actually live in the west how things are, in return, perhaps, put all the energy you have to post in all the hunting forums you participate in, AND TAKE CARE OF THINGS AT HOME!
You seem to be really worried about this subject. Kind of strange coming from they not have a little crime there you could worry about? Hell, your biggest city is near or even in Bankruptcy. Perhaps if you would have paid closer attention to the quality of Michigan's drinking water Flint wouldn't be where it is at today. But, no pun intended, you may have taken it in the rear when you were parked along the interstate, thus I can see your concern. I know your expertise dates back over 20 years hunting the west, perhaps spending a handful of days a year, where a whole lot of us live year round, and being from outside the area, YOU are prone to tell us the proper way to do things where WE live. This is not uncommon for folks who come to our gorgeous states, but why is it the first comment you all make is "how beautiful" things are, the second is "but". Montana is my families home, I do not mine sharing it to some extent, but when you have a pompous, arrogant, blowhard always coming across that Toppy's way, is the right way, and all others are wrong, this person should be called out. Toppy, you really should get out some, you spend a hell of a lot of time on this forum, along with others, way more then the average member I would guess. Just because you visit the mountain states for a brief time each year, it does not make you an expert. You may know more then your average flatlander, but please do not try and tell those of us who actually live in the west how things are, in return, perhaps, put all the energy you have to post in all the hunting forums you participate in, AND TAKE CARE OF THINGS AT HOME!

First off, I didn't start this thread
Second, I spend on average, two months out west every year!
Third, all I did was answer a question correctly and most of the rest of the comments were ridiculous, childish comments that didn't add anything to that thread or say anything to point out that I was incorrect!
Fourth, it's none of your business how much time I spend on this or any other sites and I'm not always telling others what to do as you stated!
Lastly, as far as the rest of your post, take a hike because the law is the law across all the states, I've never parked along an interstate because I don't violate the law, whether your state enforces it like they should be or not! Maybe you should take the time you spent harassing me and go shed hunting or watch a ballgame and that's no joke!

Edit: Just realized who you are and why you're having a problem with me after you abandoned the pen raised pheasant hunting thread a while back when you were proved incorrect on properly raised birds, LOL! Sorry you're wrong again here too!
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I agree...too soon for someone.

Some great advice has been given, and not taken:

Topgun, you are showing that you don't know much about the west, and acting like a boob, know when to wave the white flag.
Hey BuzzH! How come you aren't posting on MM any more? Keep it up here and just maybe Randy will do what Founder did, LOL!
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