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Packing out a elk solo.

The part that is easy to underestimate is the wear and tear on your body. If doing this solo, the last trips will not be as easy as the first trips. I have not decided which is better, a couple heavy trips or a few more lighter trips. At some point, the mileage, light or heavy, takes a toll and I think I'd rather just make as few trips as possible. The real answer is one trip down, contact someone with horses! I cannot begin to describe just how hard it is to move 225-250lbs of meat, and also antlers and hide, a large distance over downfalls, steep terrain and a lack of oxygen. I vividly recall how I felt the last time I did this. Sheer exhaustion!
My biggest concern this year are the predators. We are picking up lots of wolves, lions, and bears recently on game cameras. I'll hang the quarters high and count on company when I return to the kill site.

Build a fire (even if it only burns for a wfile). Hang clothes next to the meat. Turn on a small transistor radio fairly loud to get some noise out there ( if you can find a station of course).
Reading these posts brings back lot's of good memories. No longer can I pack out an elk solo. Even an antelope is a major undertaking. Soon my definition of "big game" will be cottontail rabbit : >). Get out there boys and make it count. I'll be cheering you on. Maybe we'll run into each other up in the hills. I'll be the guy chasing grouse with the bird crazy chessie. As long as I can put one foot in front of the other...
I've packed out elk where we got a spike out in one trip between two of us, to my bull last year that took me five trips.

Keep in mind that not all terrain is created equal. Heavy loads put you at risk of injury, loss of balance and falls, etc. I've done 120+ pound loads and it's not fun.

If I was doing an elk by myself, I'd try to keep loads (for me) at 75-85 pounds. A cow is very easily doable in three trips by yourself, a young bull in four.
Take it slow and think about every step you take. Don't go in so far that you can't finish the job. The citric spray seems like the way to go. I packed my last solo elk in at 59 and it was one of the best days of my life.
Thanks again everyone. I Cant wait! Hopefully i can put all this good advice to use. 30 days and i head to CO. Good luck to everyone.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that, The more rough and steep, the lighter your load needs to be. I did a mule deer in one long trip in the high country and that will never happen again in that kind of terrain. It's taken me a long time to figure out how to judge how heavy the pack should be just in time to get old and do a lot less of that kind of packing. And.... if a horse is available for a reasonable $$$ it's worth it.

I did a deer in one trip at the age of 27 and it really messed my knees and back up for a good 3 months. Not worth it to take big loads... I would take 4 trips with any elk and I have done lots of backpacking of meat and gear.
I did a deer in one trip at the age of 27 and it really messed my knees and back up for a good 3 months. Not worth it to take big loads... I would take 4 trips with any elk and I have done lots of backpacking of meat and gear.

You, Sir, are a smart feller!
I'm going solo in Montana this year... I have got 7 elk under my belt over the years... 5 came out on my back by myself... it's doable. Just be smart about it... ibuprofen is your friend...
Just be smart about it... ibuprofen is your friend...

Totally agree...

I packed my bull out last year in two heavy trips. I was anxious to get him out and get back to my family. I had almost 2 miles uphill in downed beetle kill pine back to the truck. It was slow going and realized on the second trip that I was going to be rethinking my future strategy to packing one out solo.

This year I am planning on at least three trips. I know I can pack the heavy weight but want to minimize the risk of injury and as strange as it sounds enjoy the pack out more. Because once the bull is out the hunt is over...
Caribou Gear

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