overwhelmed in north idaho


New member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm finally an official resident here and want to try a black bear hunt here in north idaho, but being from KS I'm feeling completely overwhelmed. I don't have the slightest idea in what direction to head. I have been looking at maps and Google Earth for some time now trying to figure out a good area to try but find myself getting confused. I'm hoping some one can steer me in the right direction.
Go high and try to find some remaining huckleberries. I don't know about specific areas, but that's what I look for her in NW Montana this time of year. Also, sometimes creek bottoms that hold a lot of rose hips, choke cherries or other berries can be good.
Thanks that good intel I'm probably lookin into a spring hunt I'm slammed at work right now with being short handed. I will keep that info locked away.
In the spring look for the newest green grass on the mountain. The higher the better since the newest grass is most nutritious. Gated logging roads and clearcuts are also good. It's a different program in the spring, but find grass and green vegetation where there isn't much pressure and that's where the bears will be
anybody have a general area or direction here in north idaho to point me?
I would say find a old logging road with some good winding corners and walk slow
ok, how does one find these roads, are there some maps out there. being from ks im not sure how to tell the difference between a forest service road and a logging road.
Where in north idaho are you located? What unit do you intend to hunt?
Go to the nearest USFS office.
Get a map of the National forest.
note where closed roads are
Note where FS#'ed roads go between county roads.
Drive and explore. Commonly known as an "Idaho Second Date".

Look for closed roads that lead to ridge tops above clear cuts
Hike these roads to see what you can see. Glass for bears. Look for bear sign.

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