over turning of I-161


Active member
Feb 17, 2011
Glasgow, Mt.
Tomorrow @ 3pm the House Fish & Game Committee will be hearing HB 537 which will repeal the I-161 initiative. As I have stated previously, this is not about the merits of the initiative, but rather the legislature overturning the will/vote of the people. It has become obvious, that this legislature does not want the general public involved in the process!.

IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU CALL 444-4800 TODAY OR TOMORROW TO REGISTER YOUR THOUGHTS ON HB 537. Also email Ted Washburn @ [email protected], Kelly Flynn @ [email protected], Dan Kennedy @ [email protected], Dan Skattum @ [email protected], Douglas Kary @ [email protected], Franke Wilmer @ [email protected],
Another joke of a bill. The sense of self-servitude knows no bounds in the halls of Capitol. Given what a dumb idea it is, it will probably pass.... unanimously.

One of our Headwaters guys will be there to testify. I read his email to the committee and it didn't leave much room/need for interpretation as to the stance Headwaters has taken.
I emailed the F&G committee and got an answer from Kelly Flynn, rep from Townsend, saying that he would vote that the bill be tabled. I thought this was a commendable thing for him to do considering he is a licensed outfitter and he was on the PWC when Block Management and Outfitter Sponsored Licenses were developed and believes strongly that I-161 is a step in the wrong direction.
A man who knows he is there to represent the will of the people deserves some recognition, IMO.
I emailed the F&G committee and got an answer from Kelly Flynn, rep from Townsend, saying that he would vote that the bill be tabled. I thought this was a commendable thing for him to do considering he is a licensed outfitter and he was on the PWC when Block Management and Outfitter Sponsored Licenses were developed and believes strongly that I-161 is a step in the wrong direction.
A man who knows he is there to represent the will of the people deserves some recognition, IMO.

Of course it helps that his bill, which will use a $300 application fee to remove the chaff and improve drawing odds, is sailing through.
Flynn is a good guy. We don't agree with him on some issues, but he's reasonable and smart. He's genuine in wanting more access for hunters.
Flynn is a good guy. We don't agree with him on some issues, but he's reasonable and smart. He's genuine in wanting more access for hunters.

I am calling BS on that Ben. Do you know the background of his families outfitting and how much of it has been handled in the past? They are anything but advocates for public access. Hell they were some of the front runners in leasing lands specifically for hunting purposes, long before the recent rush in all types of pay to play access. I would be very leery of ideas spewed forth by any and all active outfitters.

I can only speak to how he's been this session. He doesn't vote our way a lot, but he is reasonable and has done some things related to LC's that have been hugely helpful.

I don't know Kelly beyond the confines of the session, bu a lot of guys I trust say good things about him. I'm certainly interested in hearing more about the leasing issue. Kelly was part of PLPW when they crafted the outfitter sponsored licenses.

I guess I'm looking for any port in a storm this session. Flynn has been good to work with. That's all I'm saying.
I emailed the F&G committee and got an answer from Kelly Flynn, rep from Townsend, saying that he would vote that the bill be tabled. I thought this was a commendable thing for him to do considering he is a licensed outfitter and he was on the PWC when Block Management and Outfitter Sponsored Licenses were developed and believes strongly that I-161 is a step in the wrong direction.
A man who knows he is there to represent the will of the people deserves some recognition, IMO.

Kelly Flynn had told us the same thing.

Good news. Just got informed by one of our guys who was there, that the bill has been tabled. The sponsor himself moved to table. Not sure why, but the wires were smoking with emails this morning.
So, a few more details on the tabling of this bill. The sponsor tabled it, and was his plan all along.

He stated he introduced it to force a discussion.

He gives no consideration to the fact that one of our members, took a day off work to drive to Helena, spend $50 in gas, to testify on a bill that the sponsor had introduced to make a personal statement.

The height of arrogance and abuse of the position of elected office just climbed a notch beyond what I could have ever dreamed of.

I am sure others who were there to testify against it made the same sacrifices. As if the time, money, and energy of these volunteers is of no value.

What a joke this legislature has become. The children in the sandbox have more courtesy, respect, and common sense than some of those enlightened despots in Helena.

I am steamed, knowing that was a "stunt" from the beginning. Harris needs to be unelected, even if they have to find the town drunk to take his place.
Fin is there a way to find out what this bill cost Montana from inception to death?
I spoke with MOGA's lobbyist today about it, and they were one of the groups opposed to the bill.
I am calling BS on that Ben. Do you know the background of his families outfitting and how much of it has been handled in the past? They are anything but advocates for public access. Hell they were some of the front runners in leasing lands specifically for hunting purposes, long before the recent rush in all types of pay to play access. I would be very leery of ideas spewed forth by any and all active outfitters.

"I would be very leery of ideas spewed forth by any and all active outfitters". Very wise words Rat Fink, very wise indeed.

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