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Outdoor Lilfe on Bundy Fiasco

Another good write-up!

Going from memory though, I thought Bundy's lease was severed due to concerns over an endangered species of tortoise, and he refused to remove his cattle from the BLM. Is this accurate, or did he have an opportunity to pay his grazing permit fees and refused?

I do realize this article was meant to be a quick summary and not an in-depth account...
Anyone who has worked with the FBI can tell you they are almost non-functional as a law enforcement agency. They refuse to do so much, simply waiting around for each high profile politically charged case to come along that when they do get the chance to work something they mess it up because they are out of practice and their leaders are more concerned with their political futures than doing solid work. This is just a very public example of what those who work with the FBI have been seeing for years. They have some good, very talented people working for them at the local level but their leadership is inept. They probably need to scrap all their leadership in DC and start all over with new people who have not been a part of the political system their entire careers. Get back to basics, and become a law enforcement agency again instead of a group of politicians with law enforcement powers.
I know this was a brief essay though it would be reasonable to have a bit of substance to back up what the FBI / LEO Agencies fudged up on. Otherwise, nice very simple write-up. It is a bit of a bite to read LEO Agencies "screwed the pooch" without anything the support how the pooch was screwed...


I'd say Bundies walking pretty much is all the proof you need regarding pooch screwing...if only obviously.

Buzz, I'm 100% no fan of the Bundies however, screwed the pooch serves to have something to qualify the use of the catch phrase. One example of how the FBI screwed the pooch would go a long way to support the claim.
I've seen some reckless prosecutors, retarded Judges and yes, fruit from the poisonous tree LEO activity screw many a pooch.
I value living in America where the guilty may walk so that the innocent are less likely convicted. A valued comment by Long. An example would have bumped this up, imho. ;)

If I understand Sytes point, at the point below from the article(which is well written)is where the insertion of facts from the Judges ruling as to how the Prosecutors and FBI "screwed the pooch" would go further to help folks not following this fiasco closely understand at a higher level.

Four years later, Bundy sat in jail, awaiting trial for conspiracy. This week, a federal judge in Nevada dismissed the charges against Bundy and his sons. Not because of anything to do with cows and public land. Rather, Bundy went free because the federal prosecutors and the FBI so bungled the case that the judge determined there was no way Bundy could get a fair trial.

The audience here is pretty much agreed on the fact that Bundy is a loon and needs to put in his proper place, but not all those reading Outdoor Life may have the same understanding of the situation.
For one thing they withheld evidence, and wrongly reported their intent to use force in the form of sniper teams that they denied having in the first place.
Now the question is: Where does this go next?

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy warned yesterday that if the Bureau of Land Management attempts another seizure of his cattle, he foresees the "same scenario" that resulted in the 2014 armed standoff with federal agents.

In a news conference outside the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, Bundy discussed his plans following the dismissal this week of criminal charges against him and two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and Montana resident Ryan Payne.

Cliven Bundy and his co-defendants had faced charges stemming from the 2014 showdown with BLM law enforcement officers, sparked when the agency attempted to round up the rancher's cattle in response to the $1 million in unpaid grazing fines and trespass fees Bundy had accumulated over two decades.

But a federal judge declared a mistrial in December after finding that federal prosecutors had failed to turn over key evidence to defendants.

During a 45-minute news conference, Bundy said he has yet to decide whether he will file civil lawsuits over the two years he spent incarcerated while awaiting the outcome of his criminal trial.

"I have to make a big decision here. Either I'm going to have to forgive and forget all those aiders and abettors, or I have to hold them accountable," Bundy said, referring to BLM, the Justice Department, the Clark County sheriff, and the state brand inspector, who reviews cattle before sales.

In the meantime, Bundy said, he plans to continue to farm and ranch, and acknowledged that his cattle graze as far south as the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, despite the fact that he is not permitted to graze cattle on those lands.

He also reiterated his belief that the U.S. government cannot own broad swaths of public lands, despite federal court rulings to the contrary and Nevada's own constitution.

Bundy declined to say whether he plans to pay any of the fines or fees he owes the federal government. He also said he would seek the assistance of local law enforcement — who he believes can disarm federal agents — if BLM attempted a new roundup of his cattle.

"If the county sheriff didn't come to protect me, we'd go through this same scenario that we've been through," Bundy said. He acknowledged that Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo had declined to meet with him yesterday, either in private or in public.

BLM has not indicated whether it plans to pursue a new seizure of the Bundy cattle, many of which graze in what is now the Gold Butte National Monument, but environmental groups called on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke yesterday to do so.

"Bundy is still an outlaw when it comes to his grazing actions, and the prosecutorial failings in the Bunkerville case do not excuse him from the decades of unauthorized livestock trespass on our public lands," Western Watersheds Project Deputy Director Greta Anderson said. "BLM needs to enforce the law and remove his cattle, which are destroying habitat for threatened species."

Center for Biological Diversity Nevada State Director Patrick Donnelly likewise accused the Trump administration of "coddling violent zealots."

"Zinke needs to stop this illegal grazing, which amounts to theft from the American people and future generations. Our government can't allow Bundy to claim our protected public lands as his personal empire and defend his theft with force and intimidation," Donnelly said.

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and WildEarth Guardians also urged Zinke to seize the Bundy cattle.
I want this ass to show me his deed to these lands. Just show me proof he purchased these lands.
If not ,call in some practice bombing runs. You know,for the armed forces & flag these clowns claim to love so much,but shit on our country.
Clean slate.

This is a pretty good summary of how the prosecution failed and failed hard.

Thanks Ben for the linked article. One question however, you specified the FBI so bungled the case. Following your link to the information, this was a BLM operation. BLM SAIC who was bumped for blowing the whistle. The two references regarding the FBI are the threat assessment and speculation.

As mentioned, it was a good short essay though I was a bit confused over the FBI statement. Maybe I am still missing something though I had always known of the BLM lead. Is there more?
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy warned yesterday that if the Bureau of Land Management attempts another seizure of his cattle, he foresees the "same scenario" that resulted in the 2014 armed standoff with federal agents.

In a news conference outside the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, Bundy discussed his plans following the dismissal this week of criminal charges against him and two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and Montana resident Ryan Payne.

Cliven Bundy and his co-defendants had faced charges stemming from the 2014 showdown with BLM law enforcement officers, sparked when the agency attempted to round up the rancher's cattle in response to the $1 million in unpaid grazing fines and trespass fees Bundy had accumulated over two decades.

But a federal judge declared a mistrial in December after finding that federal prosecutors had failed to turn over key evidence to defendants.

During a 45-minute news conference, Bundy said he has yet to decide whether he will file civil lawsuits over the two years he spent incarcerated while awaiting the outcome of his criminal trial.

"I have to make a big decision here. Either I'm going to have to forgive and forget all those aiders and abettors, or I have to hold them accountable," Bundy said, referring to BLM, the Justice Department, the Clark County sheriff, and the state brand inspector, who reviews cattle before sales.

In the meantime, Bundy said, he plans to continue to farm and ranch, and acknowledged that his cattle graze as far south as the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, despite the fact that he is not permitted to graze cattle on those lands.

He also reiterated his belief that the U.S. government cannot own broad swaths of public lands, despite federal court rulings to the contrary and Nevada's own constitution.

Bundy declined to say whether he plans to pay any of the fines or fees he owes the federal government. He also said he would seek the assistance of local law enforcement — who he believes can disarm federal agents — if BLM attempted a new roundup of his cattle.

"If the county sheriff didn't come to protect me, we'd go through this same scenario that we've been through," Bundy said. He acknowledged that Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo had declined to meet with him yesterday, either in private or in public.

BLM has not indicated whether it plans to pursue a new seizure of the Bundy cattle, many of which graze in what is now the Gold Butte National Monument, but environmental groups called on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke yesterday to do so.

"Bundy is still an outlaw when it comes to his grazing actions, and the prosecutorial failings in the Bunkerville case do not excuse him from the decades of unauthorized livestock trespass on our public lands," Western Watersheds Project Deputy Director Greta Anderson said. "BLM needs to enforce the law and remove his cattle, which are destroying habitat for threatened species."

Center for Biological Diversity Nevada State Director Patrick Donnelly likewise accused the Trump administration of "coddling violent zealots."

"Zinke needs to stop this illegal grazing, which amounts to theft from the American people and future generations. Our government can't allow Bundy to claim our protected public lands as his personal empire and defend his theft with force and intimidation," Donnelly said.

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and WildEarth Guardians also urged Zinke to seize the Bundy cattle.

It would appear that the Bundys are willing to force another showdown. I'd set the bait and get them to bite. This time I would prosecute them correctly to the fullest extent of the law.
I predict the Trump administrations has no testicular fortitude for enforcement of public land policy, beyond signing papers and escorting drill rigs in. The bald guys w tiki torches and swastikas might disapprove. And as Trump observed, when that happens it is our fault. If a drop of oil, a whiff of gas or a cinder of coal could be found on Bundy's squat, Zinke would ride up in a heartbeat.
I predict the Trump administrations has no testicular fortitude for enforcement of public land policy, beyond signing papers and escorting drill rigs in. The bald guys w tiki torches and swastikas might disapprove. And as Trump observed, when that happens it is our fault. If a drop of oil, a whiff of gas or a cinder of coal could be found on Bundy's squat, Zinke would ride up in a heartbeat.

Good thing I wasn't drinking when I read this, can't afford to spit all over my monitor. Thanks for the laugh...
Excellent article and good tie back to Dallas killings in Idaho. Horrible murders and he did get to much attention.

Has me wondering if the prosecutors received instructions to bungle this case from their "higher up."
E.D are you referring to the Deep State prosecutor? GW appointed 2001, GW fired 2006, Prez O reappointed 2009, Trump fired 2017. Sounds like GW knew he was incompetent and Trump got rid of him asap. I'd really like to know the case they compiled pre 2017 and what got handed to the new prosecutors. Is that what your point was??

Daniel G. Bogden (born 1950) is best known for serving as United States Attorney for the District of Nevada, and being part of the dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy.

A Republican, he was nominated for the position on September 4, 2001, and unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on October 23, 2001. He was dismissed by Republican President George W. Bush in December 2006, no reason was given or ever discovered.[1][2] He was renominated to take the position on July 31, 2009, by the Obama administration.[3][4]And fired again by Republican President Donald Trump in 2017.
i thought i posted this earlier but don't see it now. THis is a pretty good recap of how the case was screwed up.

Thanks Ben. You did post this link earlier. Here is my query;

Thanks Ben for the linked article. One question however, you specified the FBI so bungled the case. Following your link to the information, this was a BLM operation. BLM SAIC who was bumped for blowing the whistle. The two references regarding the FBI are the threat assessment and speculation.

As mentioned, it was a good short essay though I was a bit confused over the FBI statement. Maybe I am still missing something though I had always known of the BLM lead. Is there more?
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Excellent article and good tie back to Dallas killings in Idaho. Horrible murders and he did get to much attention.

E.D are you referring to the Deep State prosecutor? GW appointed 2001, GW fired 2006, Prez O reappointed 2009, Trump fired 2017. Sounds like GW knew he was incompetent and Trump got rid of him asap. I'd really like to know the case they compiled pre 2017 and what got handed to the new prosecutors. Is that what your point was??

What I surmise was that it starts right @ the bleached blond top, motivated by the antipolicy of the great undoing of all that came before.
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