NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Out West Who's our Candidate for Pres?

Who's our candidate?

So who's our candidate. Stay focused on the topic. Don't let the politics cause you to ignore the importance of the issues that face us today as hunters and outdoorsmen. We are obligated to get an answer to the question, do you or do you not support the North American Model? Is our wildlife property of the people, or property of the individual? Do you support the privatization of our wildlife and our public lands?

I'm not sure how anyone on this forum (think about it, it's "on your own", not "with your land owner" or "on your hunting lease") could diminish the importance of the correct answers to theses questions. I don't really care that this is not the most important issue for the mainstream, it is however at the top of my list and I need to know which person in the republican party is going to step up and carry our ball? Is there no way to have a real authentic man or woman represent the republican party? I'm very worried about this. If youre not, consider hunting in Texas next year, no offense to Texas. Whos going to step up?
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Kind of hard to enjoy my public lands when I can't afford the diesel to get to them or the government owned factory forces me to work longer hours to pay for all the government workers and their health and pension benefits. I will vote for anyone that will cut the number of government workers, eliminate departments of government, cut pension payments and get the feds out of my business. If you listen to the scary monster theories put out by the liberal hacks you might as well bend over and give up on being a free man.
Just remember the liberals {Democrates} of today arent the same as they were in your parents day they are far more liberal
no one is saying support the left, what should we do to make sure our candidates recognize the importance of our issues. .. this is not dem vs rep it's who's on the right and what can we do to get them to understand and support our issues?
I don't believe there is a Republican Presidential candidate that doesn't believe in selling off public lands and getting rid of USFS. Locally, I can tell you that Rehberg would never get my vote...Testor has done a lot in keeping what I believe is valueable. Rehberg has absolutely gone against anything I believe in...As for's really tough for me. The current President has been a better champion for the Republican Party than any Republican. He hasn't kept many of his promises (with a few exceptions) and he has gotten legislation passed that would have been praised by most if not all the Republican candidates four years ago...Unlike most of you, I am wondering when a real Democrat will go into office. Bill Clinton was close but even he worked really well with Newt Gingrich. At this point I'm voting for the person who scares me less. I know Obama will continue along the lines of the Republican Party (note I didn't say conservative) and get legislation passed that most Republican Presidents wouldn't be able to get passed. However, he does want to keep public lands public. He has even stated that Wilderness is important. BTW- While you may think health care is a reason businesses aren't coming back...wrong! You have to get the demand increased to get the supply increased. I will guarantee that if you get more demand for your products, hiring people with the increased price of healthcare will have no effect. In fact healthcare prices rose at a smaller % the last year than the last 10 years. Another side note, Funny, I saw a red pontiac grand prix and a dodge caravan in the area I hunt. I can hunt the entire area I go to with a car...all gated and walk in. It saves on the gas.
True but the mpg is 32 and 25 and I'm sure a Hybrid can get there if someone drove one there.

I don't know that there is currently a Republican in the field that understands the place public lands play in hunting and recreation in the west. I can guarantee the current president has never hunted on public lands and has zero understanding of what the issue means to you or me either so if that is the single issue we are going to vote on than neither gets my vote.

Santorum is never, ever going to be the nominee and so your and my efforts to educate a candidate should be solely and exclusively aimed at the Romney camp if we want to educate a Repubican candidate who has an actual chance of winning. I can't find anything that says Romney actually wants to sell off public lands, what he did say is that he didn't understand the purpose of all the public lands. That sounds like he needs educated on what the purpose is of our public lands. I really don't care whom anyone votes for but I cannot vote on single issues, even on as important as our public lands. It is a very important issue to me but is not the single issue upon which I will decide whom to vote for.

If we are worried about any candidate other than Romney then we would be taking our eye off the ball. The delegate math for any other candidate simple doesn't add up any more. I am not sold on Romney or his position on a lot of issues but I also am not sold on Obama and most of policies so I am willing to voice my opinion to the Romney campaign.


I agree with your counting of delegates. Wasting time on Paul or Santorum is probably just that at this point - a waste. Romney's people do need to hear from those potential supporters who can inform him of the value of public lands.

Right now, Don Peay of SFW claims that he and Mitt are pals to the highest degree. In fact, I got an email the other day, where Don Peay's good friend, Rob Keck, the former CEO of NWTF was endorsing Romney and suggesting all sportsmen do the same.

Evidently Rob doesn't understand the value of public lands, either. We know Peay doesn't understand it, as he thinks us public hunters and the guys who support public hunting are supporters of "socialism."

Romney better get his camp informed and organized on public resource issues, or he might not have the landslide among western hunters he hopes for. Or, maybe he thinks he is informed and organized and likes his current diffifculty finding any value to public lands.
I just read the book "Undaunted Courage" and I would say politics have changed little since then.
Nemont- Hate to disagree about Obama but it looks like he knows a little something about Public Lands and their usefulness...It also looks like Rebergh has little knowledge of the true value of Public Lands and Conservation...

Montana acreage ranks high on President Barack Obama’s wish list for 2013 landscape conservation initiatives, including possible additions to Glacier National Park, conservation easements in the Blackfoot Valley and the Rocky Mountain Front, and completion of the Montana Legacy Project.

“The fact this has risen to this level, with a White House conference last week, is really important,” said Greg Neudecker, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff member and vice chairman of the Blackfoot Challenge. “The president and secretary of Interior were very complimentary of what folks in the Crown of the Continent have been doing here. It’s great to see them latching on to community conservation.”

Ovando rancher Jim Stone visited with Obama and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar last Friday at the White House Conservation Conference in Washington, D.C. The meeting grew out of the president’s new America’s Great Outdoors Initiative, which kicked off last year in Ovando before going nationwide.
“That’s one of the things we’ve been missing for a lot of years here is the ability to interact with the administration,” Stone said. “That was one of our initial requests – if you want to talk large landscapes, we need to be able to touch base with folks inside the administration. Now I think these guys are listening to folks out on the ground.”

Obama released his proposal for 2013 land acquisitions through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which uses federal royalties from offshore oil and gas production to improve public lands. Montana features in National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service and Forest Service budgets to a total of roughly $29 million.

Conservation easements to keep farms and ranches from subdivision in the Blackfoot, Swan and Rocky Mountain Front would receive $19.7 million in 2013. More than 30,000 acres of private land would be kept in agricultural production through the easements, which also benefit wildlife habitat.

The National Park Service requested $3.3 million to acquire 318 acres of inholdings along the Middle and North Forks of the Flathead River. One of those is the 120-acre Doody Homestead along the Middle Fork, the colorfully historic home of an early park ranger and his moonshiner wife.

Glacier spokeswoman Denise Germann said the park has long been trying to acquire private inholdings whenever willing sellers appear. But having the support from community groups throughout the Crown of the Continent makes the process much easier.

“We’re pleased to see that now and the value that’s put on conservation of lands,” Germann said of the president’s budget proposal. “I would anticipate that may change before it’s a final budget. Congress has to agree to all this.”

The National Parks Conservation Association was one of those groups advocating for the Doody acquisition. Spokesman Michael Jamison said the long-term commitment was essential to building credibility for the project.

“If you love Glacier Park, then you have to be excited about this investment,” Jamison said. “Purchasing these important inholdings has been a top priority for the Park Service for a long time, and with the help of community leaders and friends-of-the-park groups, the funding is finally being made available. It really does represent a step toward completing the work that was started 100 years ago, when Glacier was first established.”


Montana’s congressional delegation offered mixed reviews of the proposed spending. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., said he supported raising the Land and Water Conservation Fund budget to its allowed $322 million and approved of the Montana projects.

“Access to public lands is a top priority for Montana’s hunters and anglers,” Tester said in an email. “The Land and Water Conservation Fund is a popular, smart investment because it provides Montana’s sportsmen and women with access to good hunting and fishing opportunities.”

Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., said he was still looking over the president’s wish list.

“We’ve got more government than we can afford,” Rehberg said in an email. “And that means we’ve got to set priorities, and learn to say ‘no’ so we can say ‘yes’ to the things that Montanans care about most.”

Some of those priorities already have received funding, although they have several years left to complete. For example, the Montana Legacy Project transferred 310,000 acres of Plum Creek Timber Co. land into public and conservation hands in three phases. The president’s budget calls for $14.8 million to complete another portion of that deal in the Swan Valley.

“Those parcels in the Swan are higher value than some of the other timber lands,” said Lolo National Forest lands program manager Jennifer Watson. “We’ve been bringing them all together as we get funding.”

A Blackfoot River special resource management area along the river corridor would get up to $5.5 million for new public land. At the Blackfoot Challenge, Neudecker stressed the money wasn’t coming from taxpayer dollars, but would still help local communities.

“It’s an extremely ambitious proposal,” Neudecker said. “I think if we’re going to be successful, we have to target resources toward the best landscapes. This is stuff we’ve collectively been working on. Landowners are supportive we just want to see it maintained. But it’s got a ways to go.”

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I said Obama has zero in common with hunters as he has never hunted, he grew up not hunting and he has never, ever picked up a rifle, bow or shotgun. So If you believe he truly cares or even understands hunters more power to you. I guarantee if a hunting issue was in conflict with an issue Obama wanted hunting would take a back seat every time.

I never said he didn't know about public lands, I said that Romney stated he didn't know what all the public land was for, not that he wanted to sell all public lands. So feel free to jump to any conclusion you want but I am not a single issue voter and if I was only voting on public lands then I would vote different in nearly every election from local, state and national. I have a few more issues on my plate and have to navigate that water.

If you truly believe a non hunting, not camping, urban community organizer has more in common with hunters than a lilly white rich dude who grew up in the with a silver spoon then I got a bridge to sell you. Neither of them understand a single thing about hunters, the hunting heritage or what drives people to pursue game. Public lands are an important issue, I don't want them to be sold off, I don't want them destroyed, I don't want them off limits to the average American but I also don't believe that Obama has a single clue in the world about hunting. Again your mileage may vary.

Didn't know Rehberg was running for President, I thought he was running for Senate. I expect that the Tester/Rehberg race is going to be a very close one and one in which Tester's voting record and Rehberg's voting record will be examined and people will decide for themselves who they want in that seat. Personally I could care less if either serves as they would both be or remain the junior senator from Montana who are going to vote along party lines 99% of the time.

Again I understand your politics and mine most likely differ but can you do this and put on your politically neutral hat for a few minutes and explain in a nonpartisan way exactly how Obama has more in common then Romney with hunters? Obama has ZERO history of hunting, Romney doesn't remember whether he as on an Elk Hunt or a Moose Hunt. I suspect that neither have tramped around the woods and contemplated the North American Model of hunting for even a nanosecond.

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Both Romney and Santorum have expressed a willingness to sell off our public lands, There was a US REpresentative from Washington State that introduced a bill to sell off our public lands and Rep. Rehberg from Montana cast the deciding vote but luckly the bill was killed in the Senate,, this is something the R's want to do and if they get a Pres that wants to do it too the fore sale signs are going up.. I tried to do a google search for the Rep but couldn't find it his name was something like Pompos or similar.. There are several Republican Representatives and Senators who want to sell off the public lands lands.Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz is another one. the congress is full of them and most are in the Republican party, and it makes me mad as hell,, this is a deal breaker for me...


Governor Otter from Idaho wanted to sell off My Public Lands to pay for Katrina relief... Look at the list of who sponsored legislation in the past to sell My Public Lands to pay for budget issues with HR 3855.

Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Tancredo
Rep. W. Todd Akin (R - MO
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett ( R - MD
Rep. Rob Bishop Rob Bishop (R), Utah's 1st District
Rep. Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo.)
Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL
Rep. Jeff Flake (R - AZ
Rep. Walter Herger (R - CA)
Rep. Sue Myrick (R - NC, 9th District)
Rep. C.L. Otter (R-ID)
Rep. Joseph Pitts (R - PA
Rep. Ted Poe (R - TX)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R - CA)
Rep. David Weldon (R-Fla.)

Anyone who doesn't think the GOP wants to end hunting in the west is blind.

And now Santorum and Romney are actually out campaigning to sell My Public Lands while Republicans control the House and might control the Senate after the election.

If you want to hunt out west, the "tag grab" from SFW won't be nearly as painful as the grab-your-ass pain that will come from not having any public lands to hunt.
When will there be some outdoor activities? This sitting around bashing politics is getting so old. So I'll put my post in list form for entertainment.
1. Clearly Romney is the better choice over Obama...even for the wildlife federation freaks on here who can't seem to think of anything other than a tree.
2. Nemont has the best posts on this thread and wins
3. This country is only one small part of the world. I wish people would open their eyes a bit more.
4. I want someone who will support another pipeline...What is that?....environmental impact you worry about? What is one more piece of spaghetti in a plate of spaghetti?
5. If we keep importing our dollar should weaken to the point were we begin to export. If this confuses you then study up on simple macro economics.
6. Just because someone claims to be my best bud doesn't mean the feeling is mutual. (As in SFW claiming to be best buds with whomever)
7. Checks and balances in government are wonderful.
8. If you'd like to pay more for your tag please write out a donation to your local Fish Wildlife and Parks organization and leave the rest of us alone. I'd like to use any left over money I have to cover some of my increased fuel costs.
9. Mattk Let me see if I understand this correctly... Money comes from OIL and Gas royalties and goes to a fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund, that can only be used in conservation efforts. A landowner/rancher from Montana goes to Washington hopping to get some money and convinces the Secretary of Interior to spend money on him and his conservation effort along with other parts of Montana and Obama takes credit for the whole thing? Sounds like every politician I know. They take credit when it looks good and distance themselves when it looks bad.
Nemont- I know I don't have to tell you the role of a hunter isn't in the kill but in the conservation of the animal and species that are hunted. One of (if not the) most important part of conservation of wildlife is protecting public's also the core of the hunter/sportsman in the North American Model. When you ask (in a non partisan way) who most closely represents the values of a hunter..I only have to look at pictures of the big game animals I have taken to give you an answer. 10% of the picture is the hunter, 10% is the animal and 80% is the environment (about 1% is the weapon). I don't doubt that Obama has never been hunting or possibly even been in the woods but by wanting to increase the amount of public land (not decrease it or "just not know the value"), he represents 80% of the picture of my hunt.

During the Great Depression a man by the name of J.N. "Ding" Darling was able to get funding for protecting wetlands...the President wrote him the following letter...

Dear Jay:-

As I was saying to the Acting Director of the Budget the other day-"this fellow Darlng is the only man in the history who got an appropriation through Congress, past the Budget and signed by the President without anybody realizing that the Treasury had been raided."

You hold an all-time record. In addition to the six million dollars ($6,000,000) you got, the Federal Courts say that the United States Government has a perfect constitutional right to condemn millions of acres for the welfare, health and happiness of ducks, geese, sandpipers, owls and wrens, but has no constitutional right to condemn a few old tenaments in the slums for the health and happiness of the little boys and girls who will be our citizens of the next generation!

Nevertheless, more power to your arm! Go ahead with the six million dollars ($6,000,000) and talk with me about a month hence in regard to additional lands, if I have any more money left.

As ever yours,

Franklin D. Roosevelt

How important is the issue of the environment? With a bad economy and all the world problems of 1935, the President was looking at a Depression, just getting done with a World War and about to get into another world war...and he was still able to see the value of the environment to the hunter. I'm sure 6 mil in 1935 was a pretty good chunk of change. Just think of what waterfowl numbers would look like if FDR thought the way Romney does in the face of all the other problems!
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