Caribou Gear Tarp

Out West Who's our Candidate for Pres?

1. Join me - I do not vote. 2. Leaves us in the crapper, again. 3. No - Newt was closest, but the SuperPack pounded his a$$.
The way the Republican candidates are acting right now (little kids IMO), Obama should have no problem getting re-elected.

Romney vs Obama election who knows??? Santorum vs Obama, I think Obama will win by a landslide

Looks to be another election where I have to vote against the lesser of two evils again :mad:
It's important not to get too wrapped up in campaign rhetoric. Take your time and effort and organize and speak with your local politicians and make sure your voice is heard. Politics are local, which is why a congress witha 10% approval rating has a 90% rate for re-electing incumbants.

As an example (please take this as non-partisan), when Boehner was looking to "cut cap and balance" he still supported the second (not first but second) engine for the F-35 Raptor? Why would he want to continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a project like this? The design factory was in his backyard and his contsituents were yelling.

We has hunters and users of public land need to rise up and make our voice heard.
Do we have a candidate in this race or not?

1. who is running that understands our needs and will carry our ball?

I'm willing to help educate them if they will listen and if they care. Any chance that anyone has access to Santorum or Romney's people? I'd like to hear the candidates discuss the North American Land and Wildlife model. I want to know that they understand me before I give them my support. It is not enough for me to hear that they support the second amendment, that to me is a no brainer. I need to know they understand what's at risk for the future of our country when it comes to our public lands, public wildlife and hunting heritage . . . If their answers are, "sell off the public domain to pay our debt," I dont think I can support that position . . .

Where does that leave me? Where does that leave us? Do we have a candidate in this race or not?

My guess is that, once again, sportsmen are going to revolt and surprise politicians.

We did it back in the 90's when it was "cool" for the Dems to be anti-gun. Even our very own Baucus joined the gang. He has since realized such a position offered very little to gain and much to lose.

Now it seems like the Repubs are doing the same thing, but this time the issue is over wildlife. They'll learn not to piss off the sportmen when they lose elections. If Rehberg loses to Tester, it will be because of Tester's pro-sportsmen stance.
I have sent my Congressman this message, have you sent yours? John

Mr. Fleming, Thank You for your work for our District. I have a very important issue to discuss with you. It pertains to the Republican Presidential Canidates stating their total ignorance of how much they are missing the value the voters place on our Public Lands out West and here in the East.
We hear Rick and Mitt talk like they have this resource to do as they please if and when they get into office. Both are recorded as stating they see no need for so much Public Land. WRONG! These are lands that have been put aside for all generations of Americans living and in the future.
Millions of voting Sportsmen use these land that were set aside by men of vision and we are not about to allow a Politition to steal them from us. Here is a Link to what is being said about those who would be President. Thank You, John Harrell
As usual, there are a few who really take their privilege to vote seriously. If you don't look beyond your feelings about one issue or two. if you walk up and pull the party lever without researching the candidates, if you don't take your voting seriously, why not emigrate over to Iran or some other such s--thole and take up residence.
I am not in favor of selling our national forests or lands. If you think Obama is the better canidate watch out. You dont have any idea what he has planed for you next term if elected .Remember he said our energy costs would necessarly skyrocket. Then think about when you try to get to your favorite hunting grounds. Driving A CHEVY VOLT. I dont think he will put up charging stations in the woods but maybe he would think it would be a good idea to erect a wind farm out there . What I am trying to say is we really dont know what our next president will do if elected.And you wont have to worry about our national forests if he takes our guns away like the UN wants us to do .
I have sent my Congressman this message, have you sent yours? John

Mr. Fleming, Thank You for your work for our District. I have a very important issue to discuss with you. It pertains to the Republican Presidential Canidates stating their total ignorance of how much they are missing the value the voters place on our Public Lands out West and here in the East.
We hear Rick and Mitt talk like they have this resource to do as they please if and when they get into office. Both are recorded as stating they see no need for so much Public Land. WRONG! These are lands that have been put aside for all generations of Americans living and in the future.
Millions of voting Sportsmen use these land that were set aside by men of vision and we are not about to allow a Politition to steal them from us. Here is a Link to what is being said about those who would be President. Thank You, John Harrell

Great Job!!
300 short, sounds reasonable. But as I tried to point out, I am not asking you now, who to vote for for president, I'm asking who, within the republican party, do we have who will carry our ball? I hope people want to deal in the issue NOW, not next year, not Obama, not what might or might not happen, but NOW, where is our leader for the north american model in the republican party? Roosevelt created the legacy, who today will see to it that we carry it into the future? Or, is there no answer because the party has lost it way?
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Great question Tony. But to your heading on your original post. this is not only a western issue,there is National forest in something like 40 states. In my case i live about 2 miles from 1.2 million acres of natl forest. I dont want to see any of ''OUR'' land sold!
IMO there are no shortcuts on this. We need to stay involved. I do not like any of the candidates, but someone is going to get elected, and we need to keep the pressure on him and let him know where we stand.

I do not think that we are going to get a president that all of us here on the forum (or even most of us) want. What we do need, though, is that whoever is in the oval office believes that we are important to his being in that office. Keep writing those emails to politicians.
Both Romney and Santorum have expressed a willingness to sell off our public lands, There was a US REpresentative from Washington State that introduced a bill to sell off our public lands and Rep. Rehberg from Montana cast the deciding vote but luckly the bill was killed in the Senate,, this is something the R's want to do and if they get a Pres that wants to do it too the fore sale signs are going up.. I tried to do a google search for the Rep but couldn't find it his name was something like Pompos or similar.. There are several Republican Representatives and Senators who want to sell off the public lands lands.Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz is another one. the congress is full of them and most are in the Republican party, and it makes me mad as hell,, this is a deal breaker for me...

howler, it's Pombo from california, he's been at it for years . . . google Pombo public lands and have at-er . . .
Mitch Daniels or Jon Huntsman

Two good options

After the horrible tornadoes in IN Governor Daniels was interviewed and I was amazed at his focus for his people and genuine nature.

Jon Huntsman was the best Governor Utah has had and he is balanced, smart, and inclusive of others. Unfortunately he couldn't gain traction in the primaries. As a non Mormon Democrat living in Utah I can attest he had a broad level of support beyond the GOP base.
I have sent my Congressman this message, have you sent yours? John

Mr. Fleming, Thank You for your work for our District. I have a very important issue to discuss with you. It pertains to the Republican Presidential Canidates stating their total ignorance of how much they are missing the value the voters place on our Public Lands out West and here in the East.
We hear Rick and Mitt talk like they have this resource to do as they please if and when they get into office. Both are recorded as stating they see no need for so much Public Land. WRONG! These are lands that have been put aside for all generations of Americans living and in the future.
Millions of voting Sportsmen use these land that were set aside by men of vision and we are not about to allow a Politition to steal them from us. Here is a Link to what is being said about those who would be President. Thank You, John Harrell

I have only sent my thoughts to the Santorum campaign... The following:
Mr. Santorum,
As a registered Independent, you were my pick up until recently.
I'll keep this brief as I imagine this message is a waste of my time though for your review:
I am a Montana resident and 100% support our public lands and appreciate the service our USFS conducts to ensure public lands will be present for my children and grandchildren. I value greatly the vision Theodore Roosevelt had for ensuring our land stays ours. Your comments in Idaho 100% eliminated my vote for you.

I am not a fan of Romney, nor of Gingrich... Sad, I never thought I would vote for a democrat, though you were my last hope... The only reason I may vote for Romney or Gingrich is solely on the potential of 2 Supreme Court Justices retiring... though I will NOT vote for you due to the above reasoning. Our public lands are meant to stay public!
I am sooo disgusted at my options this election! Even more disgusting is your position on our public lands!

Anyhow, for what it is worth.


My e-mail and phone # are NOT to be used unless it is a specific reply to this message. DO NOT give out, enter into a database or any other use aside for the direct communication to this message.
IMO there are no shortcuts on this. We need to stay involved. I do not like any of the candidates, but someone is going to get elected, and we need to keep the pressure on him and let him know where we stand.

I do not think that we are going to get a president that all of us here on the forum (or even most of us) want. What we do need, though, is that whoever is in the oval office believes that we are important to his being in that office. Keep writing those emails to politicians.

Nailed that one, Corax. Even the East German judge gives you a 10.

We're going to have to fight harder than ever with each passing year to keep hold of the things we value. We need to be united on those issues we can agree on--like access--and become our own 'special interest group'--whether through money or votes. It's not about Republicans or Dems--it's about making sure the individuals in charge know what's important to we, the people.
I never heard a thing about Romney wanting to take public land.Guess I need to watch MSNBC,roflmao!!!!I really don't think we have much choice this time around.But, theres no way Obama would ever get my vote.I'm a racist,lol.The liberals had their time to try and destroy our country.With health care still be the leading issue as to why alot of Americans aren't working.I will always be able to find public land to hunt on;no doubt in my mind.
How many people rely on gov't funding now?How much has he raised the debt for our kids and grandkids to have to pay off???What has he done for unemployment????what has he done to help the working man???
ALOT more important things out there then "will the Absarookas,or Flat tops going to have public hunting if Romney gets in.Give me a break already
I want to see America prosper again.I want to see my friends and neighbors working again.Obama even said if he couldn't turn it around he had no right being re-elected.I agree 100%.Time to get rid of the trash and see what some new blood can do.I'd be AMAZED if Americans were stupid enough to give Obama 4 more years of this garbage.Anyone who thinks public hunting is a top priority in this election is nuts.I'd rather have a hunter in office then someone totally against guns
When Romney beats this guy,I'm sure as grass is green,that I'll still have absolutely no trouble with planning my next 4 years worth of trips to Montana,Wyoming and Colorado to hunt on public land.If all you guys are worried, then stop buying points and make the draw odds better for me over the next 4 years.
I also like how the Dems are trying to act like this is a contested primary.Romney is WAY ahead of Santorum.Whats he got, twice as many states voted for him,2 1/2 time the electoral votes.I mean please,we know who Obama is running against already.CNN and MSNBC are scared is all;Romney beats him in all polls for the final election.To hope Santorum has a chance is crazy,but they know Obama can beat him.So they keep this game going like he has a shot and Romney might not be the one;PLEASE
I would have loved to watch Newt debate Obama though.He would have made a monkey out of him;no pun intended

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