Our First Trip

Robert looks just pissed.... ;)
I alway's liked that area, that is where I started cutting my teeth on elk hunting...
Robert ALWAYS looks Pissed when he takes pictures...Something about not wanting to look fake in Pictures. :rolleyes: He also says he is against smiling because that causes wrinkles.... :confused: He is so full of CHIT, he smiles All the Time.... :eek: Maybe cause he is blessed to have me as a best friend :D
Awesome pics! nice and green and water too! Now i am going to have to head up to Flagstaff to see some green tree`s and cool temps, looks like heaven in the summertime. thanks for the pics.
Once a week Kravin??? Like you said DAMN :eek: Lady Nutcracker cooks dinner for me everyday,plus (this will realy piss ya off) she makes my lunch, and coffee in the morning before work
every day :D Ain't I lucky :D :D

Aimee....i just seen those other pictures....grrr meenie you only sent me the one of you on the quad..and him standing next to the quad....are you with holding pictures from me :rolleyes: grrr you better not be...he he....you know which little graemline i like i like this one
ha ha ha ha...its cute..oh...ya ok..um buh bye love you aimee
OK Tony not fair.I cook my own dinner everynight normally,make the coffee everynight before bed and have to make my own DAMN lunch,guess it does piss me off a bit :( Maybe I need to trade her in eh
Thinking Kraven needs to find himself a HOTT lil younger one too train.
Well with her working nights and getting home in the morning hours it is not an easy thing to do especially when I get up and she is still awake,sitting here in front of the puter.
I hope I'm not opening a Can f worms.. But you were on a 4-wheeler and Didn't see ANY elk ?!??! ;)

Hey, Awsome Pictures, We're heading for the Hills Tomorrow ourselves till Sunday !!
That's amazing isn't it Moosie? You'd think the sound of that motor would bring them right out in the open where we could see them. Do you suppose the motor on that thing isn't quite loud enough? :confused:
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