Yeti GOBOX Collection

Our biggest enemy- the human mind


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2019
E Washington
I found this interesting. It's a few years old, but still applicable. This little fact seems to apply to a lot of things:
Hunting - see @HuntTalk Freak 's first-elk-hunt thread
Mule Deer discussions -any and all of them
The Market and economy
For some, the Holidays
For others, an every day battle

I hope everyone finds something to be positive about this holiday season and well into 2023.

I think you pointed out a common problem and showed how to work through it. Loved the thread.
I admit I’ve turned very negative over the last few years when before I was very stoic and positive. It’s something I recognize.

I also had a lot going on behind the scenes before and during that hunt on the home front that didn’t help my attitude. Of course we all wish we could get a re do on the bad hunts.

I’m thankful that it turns out my wife doesn’t have cancer and her health has improved. She’s suppose to out live me!
Our attention did not originally gravitate to negatives. We had to learn that as children. There are many simple exercises and practices that can help us choose to be more in touch with the positive aspects of ourselves, our lives, others and this world. The broad term is mindfulness. No meditation required. Check out the exercises suggested in this article:
These are called practices because . . .
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I mean, I’m 3/4 crazy but I’m the opposite. I come up with all kinds of goofy plans and ideas and I’m very positive until they fail, which they almost always do, then I make another idiotic plan and go again.

If you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough.
This is me to a T also. My latest really “dumb” plan is failing miserably so I’m hatching a new one as we speak.
My favorite response when things don't go exactly as planned,,, "Hmm, it seemed like a good idea a minute ago!"
My sister gave me a t-shirt that said something to the effect “ok. Let’s do it the dumbest way possible, because it’s easier for you” or similar. Quite accurate
My favorite response when things don't go exactly as planned,,, "Hmm, it seemed like a good idea a minute ago!"

Yup or “Hmmm guess I didn’t think that one through completely!” I seem to say that a lot… might need it on
a t-shirt or sumthin
We are our own worst enemy.

I see one of the remedies on the bottom of this article is to "surround yourself with positive people" or another way of looking at this is to remove yourself from being around negative people or things (social media).

I feel that social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, etc) are major problems with our society anymore. I believe these social media platforms are the new disease that have addictive qualities. These companies, behind each social media platform, write algorithms that track and then target the user on all sorts of various topics. In today's "negative" world, these algorithms have these companies bombarding the user with negative content. So, in essence the user wallows in negativity and it affects their perception of the world around them and how people treat other people. I personally, limit my exposure to social media. I only utilize Facebook on occasion, and I do not have an Instagram, Tik-Tok, or Snap Chat account. I feel social media platforms are a problem and occupy way too much of our time and attention. If you observe people these days, I am amazed at how many people have their faces in their phones. People don't interact like they used to, and I believe its unhealthy.

Thanks for posting.
As an "elder statesman" I seem to get through every day without the aid or input from these social media sites. I look at my daughters bakery FB thing once in a while to see what kinda cool things she has whipped up. I don't think I have ever seen any of the other sites you mentioned. This forum is my contact with the outside world.
I mean, I’m 3/4 crazy but I’m the opposite. I come up with all kinds of goofy plans and ideas and I’m very positive until they fail, which they almost always do, then I make another idiotic plan and go again.

If you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough.

Fake it til you make it is my life motto.

I mostly wing everything I do, I fail often, give 'er hard enough that I also succeed a lot. I'm mostly Okay to average at everything but am stubborn and kinda dumb, so that's that.
I mean, I’m 3/4 crazy but I’m the opposite. I come up with all kinds of goofy plans and ideas and I’m very positive until they fail, which they almost always do, then I make another idiotic plan and go again.

If you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough.
They say it isn't the things we failed at that we regret in life, it's the things we never tried. But I'm pretty sure we would have failed at those things too.

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