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Organized hunting truck?


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
Can it be done? My truck always looks like a bomb went off 5 minutes after I leave my house. Does anyone have a good system to keep your gear and back seat organized? Please give me some suggestions.
Fin's truck always seems organized until Troy and I enter and leave wrappers and banana peels. He likes that.:D Maybe he has some ideas. Mine looks like a closet of clothes threw up. A little bit of everything just in case.
I have struggled with this for years. I sort everything into storage tubs and stack them in the order that I think I will need them, but everything has to come out to get to what I need and then goes back in in whatever order happens.
dogs, mud, spilled coffee, food wrappers, elk hair, can't find my %^$#@ flashlight.....a clean truck equals an unhappy hunter. If it's a wreck, it means I'm hunting:D
One of those truck vault pull out drawer systems in the bed would go along way towards organization, but I don't think I can ever see myself springing the cash to get one.
MIne usually looks like Mrs. Fin tossed me from the house, so don't take too many hints from me.

The best thing I have is the organizer tray that fits under the back seat. In my Crew Cab, the bad seat folds up and I have organizer trays that fit underneath it. I doubt this is a "Nissan" only kind of feature.

Other is to get these kind of seat covers from Headwaters Seat Covers. Organize your guns, maps, and most importantly, TP. Sucks when you have all this stuff in the truck and you cannot find your TP. Major problem can result.


That's about as organized as I can hope for.
My truck is perfectly clean and organized within a month of hunting ending for the year. That lasts about 24 hours and then I start messing it up immediately.
It can be done if you use totes to store crap in. Load them in your truck in the order you MAY need them.
Of course the first time you open or start pillaging the party is over, all the chit is mixed together. Biggest mess seems to be with clothes. Never fails, you always end up digging even before you get to camp. Brother doesn't have an extended cab so minimal stuff inside other than weapons, ammo and TP. Everything else packed in the back or in the cook trailer.
My truck is full of hunting, fishing, and random fun stuff. I also like to keep a nice coat of dirt on the outside to protect the paint from harmful UV rays. :D

My truck is perfectly clean and organized within a month of hunting ending for the year.
Hunting ends?
Like Big Fin, I have an organizer tray under the back seat of my Chevy extended cab. It works great. I got it at my Chevy dealer. I also have 6' long aluminum tool boxes that run down my bedrails that I got at Northern Tool. They work great for what they hold, but my back seat is still full of clothes. :confused:
I don't think that anything short of a UPS truck with shelves, lockers and room to stand up will solve this. There would also be room for an onboard gun vault.
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