NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Opening Day Bull

Can you tell me the bow setup? Like grain of arrows and draw weight. I am currently setting my bow up with a 50lb draw weight and just getting an idea on what works.
Great work. Hope your recovery goes well. Pretty routine procedure.....especially for someone as young and fit as you. I’m sure the physician isn’t used to his/her pacemaker patients going elk hunting the very next week.
Really nice accomplishment! Good memories from 2019!
Funny how you accomplished the feat in a year when you did not prepare as usual. That is what i really like about hunting, sometimes you just never know.
Way to be out there supporting your wifes hunt and also not letting poor circumstances steer you to not even get out there and try. Great reward!
Does that bull only have 1 brow tine per side? I shot one like that a couple of years ago. Kinda weird! But her bull is a LOT bigger than mine was. That is one really nice bull she shot there. Congrats!
Congratulations to all involved.

It takes a village sometimes, and sometimes someone in the village is (sorta) ignoring doctor's orders.