Only 249 more days until elk season! Got to toughen up!


New member
Nov 27, 2014
North of Coeur d'Alene Idaho
I took a hike through the woods because I have to face it, I'm not in very good shape. I used to think I was in okay shape until I went North Idaho elk hunting. These mountains and timber ain't no joke.

Anyhow, good hike and now I know why god invented snow shoes. Between 6-12" of snow doesn't seem like much but after 6 miles up, down and around I'm a little sore this morning.

On my way back I saw 4 moose's hanging out in the woods just standing around, kind of like horses do when they're asleep on the hoof. I was disappointed because my cell phone pics did not turn out well at all. But the moose didn't disappoint, they showed up in my driveway a few hours later. 3 bulls and 2 cows...

These ladies came browsing by.


Then these guys showed up pushing each other around:


They stared sparring when #3 came out to get in to the action.

They weren't serious about fighting and when one of them did really clack and antler all 3 spooked like "what was that"! Crack up.

There are at least 2 more much bigger bulls roaming around. They look like 40-50"ers. I've been trying to get photos but no luck yet.


Fun to watch with the kids. Goodtimes!
Looks like you have a good shed hunt in your near future...

That was my first thought as well. Do you look for their sheds?

Those little guys in your pictures will probably still be holding on for a month or two, but the big guys you've seen are probably real close if not already dropping.

Cheer up, I doubt there will be any elk out on the open hillsides anyway, -27 here this morning and about 6 inches of fresh snow. The elk are probably hiding on the north slopes getting out of the sun.

I hate Wyoming.
No chance, I'm grumpy, I'm at work, and I've put in 15 hour days throughout our holiday shutdown and have to come in tomorrow.

I hate financial reporting, I'd take frostbite and hunting right now.
249 days to elk season?

I have a tag that's valid in about 20 hours...:)

I have 229 more days until my next elk season. :p

No one likes a bragger.

HA! I was thinking luckyyyyyyyy but -26° is rough. I've only been out in -20°ish once and man... you are hardcore Buzz.

That was my first thought as well. Do you look for their sheds?

Those little guys in your pictures will probably still be holding on for a month or two, but the big guys you've seen are probably real close if not already dropping.

I look every time I'm out but no luck so far. I'm not very good shed hunter apparently, this place is thick with whitetail, moose and elk. I figure the elk have already dropped their racks by the time they get down here though. I'm definitely gonna look harder as the winter progresses.

Last February I counted 22 elk after 8-10 all ready passed by, didn't see any antlers however. To bad they're smart and don't show up in Oct. Easiest pack out ever with the bucket on my tractor. :D

My 6yo little girl said "Look dad, they're kissing". LOL
Caribou Gear

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