One-day MT Mule Hunt on YouTube

Nice buck, Randy! Looks like there was a lot of snow over your way. I guess I’m still trying to figure out where to find animals at different times of the year. Is it normal to find them that high in that deep of snow?
Thanks Randy, looks like Bart put on a few pounds in the last few years.

That is an odd statement, at best.... Maybe there is a personal relationship the rest of us don't know about, but still odd. Thanks for the video sharing!
Although I have seen Bart pull a 2- pound frosted bearclaw out of his pack, 8 miles deep into the Nevada Wilderness ....that doesn’t change the fact that GGress is an idiot.
Although I have seen Bart pull a 2- pound frosted bearclaw out of his pack, 8 miles deep into the Nevada Wilderness ....that doesn’t change the fact that GGress is an idiot.

That bearclaw as you recall allowed me to power out of that hell hole in the lead. As I recall the other two fit sexy men ultimately caved to my power snacks as they realized their “bear scat” looking cliff bars weren’t cutting it or maybe it was the 1lb log of summer sausage and crackers I was toting as well. Lol
Looks like a fun day on the mountain. I had the tag in 2010? Maybe 2011. It was a tough hunt and I had un-realistic expectations. Passed up a few bucks on the last couple days of the season... I saw one buck on thanksgiving day that I decided to target until the end and he never showed up again.
Thanks Randy, looks like Bart put on a few pounds in the last few years.

Well, he might have...…… have I :) And I'd still put money on the fact that he would out hike and out pack you in any situation. You would be surprised what a 2 lb bear claw and a whole roll of salami will give you for energy:) I know one thing about ol Lawnboy, that dude is welcome in my camp or on any hunt I ever go on, period.
That video brought back some memories. Lot more snow than when I hunted it though!
Still chuckling about Lawnboy's "Montana double date" comment.

I have never hunted steep/snow filled slopes like that, and I'm not wholly sad about that fact.
I was just boxing up some sheds and stumbled on these I found a few years ago.. looks awfully similar.

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