omg are there any decent trustworthy hunters left out there

Howdy All,

I'm the new kid on the block. Just purchased the new J104 hunting pack from Eberlestock, after reading a lot of the comments on this site. Should be here tomorrow. I'm getting up into my 50's and I have a lot of arthritus in the low back now days. Hope this pack will help with the comfort level a bit. My first elk hunt was at age 5, so I've been elk hunting for about 45 years now. I will hunt from crutches or a wheel chair if I have to! I plan on using this pack for a mondo bull this year, even if I have to crawl out with it. Anybody got the 2007 model yet?

Uhhhhhhhh.. YAh, Welcome aboard.. I like Cheese !!!
It seems like alot of the posts lately are a little whiny (is this a word) I have hunted with some people who let bullshit stuff ruin their positive attitude towards a hunt and spend that time with their heads in the sand, have some close freinds who bitch about too many hunters, not enough animals blah blah blah. I say play the cards your dealt, you cant do much more. We all are guilty at one time or another of getting discouraged but pull the sand out of your hootie and just try to make it happen in the face of adversity, there is no sweeter revenge.
Got to honor another mans honey hole
That is true! :D

I won't return to a place shown to me by someone else without their permission. That's the courtesy that I extend and expect back in return. Sorta the Golden Rule thing.
Caribou Gear

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