Old Scope: Stuck Elevation and Windage dials


Oct 25, 2016
I acquired an old Tasco scope (Made in Japan) to hold me over until I can save enough for my next scope. I'm guessing it is from the early 80's. The glass is very clear and overall, the scope is in good condition.


The elevation and windage dials are stuck- big time stuck. They are the kind that you turn with a penny. Serrated on the sides, "1 click 1/4 @ 100 yards. After a shot of light oil in each turret, I put a penny in a vise and tried to turn the dials on top of the penny... The penny is now bent.

Is there anything I can do to coerce these dials to move- without destroying the scope?

Don't mean to sound like a jackass, but if it were me, being a Tasco and all, I'd junk it. mtmuley
I understand... I have Leupolds on some of my other rifles. Saving for a VX3i for the new rifle now...

I was under the impression that the early Japanese-made Tascos were pretty decent- it's markedly more clear than a Chinese-made Cabela's scope I have in a drawer.

I am hoping to salvage it- not worth it?
If you bent a penny trying to turn the dial, I'd say it's a lost cause. Sounds like something will break before it comes loose. mtmuley
I understand... I have Leupolds on some of my other rifles. Saving for a VX3i for the new rifle now...

I was under the impression that the early Japanese-made Tascos were pretty decent- it's markedly more clear than a Chinese-made Cabela's scope I have in a drawer.

I am hoping to salvage it- not worth it?

Even if you send it somewhere to be fixed it would probably cost more than it's worth. Don't waste your time and money.
I was just able to turn it a bit- but that's with a penny sticking out of a vise and me really focusing on turning the dials. No go while just trying it by hand. Oh well... back in the drawer it goes.

Maybe I'll just give it to my kid as a "magnified monocular".

Thanks for keeping it real...
Try PB Blaster every day for several days and see if that will break it free, sounds like you have nothing to loose.
As you appreciate, and what others have said, its not a great scope.
I don't know what PB Blaster is, my suggestion would be WD40/penetrating oil, let it soak, occasionally give it a gentle tap, add more oil, if that doesn't work, and this is going to ruin the scope or cure it, heat!
Place a screwdriver in the slot, apply heat with a small blow torch (the type foodies use is perfect) to the screwdriver shaft, get it really hot so it transfers heat to the dial, then try turning it, if that doesn't work bin it!
No PB Blaster in GB? Man you guys are missing out. It's WD 40's big brother.

I would also try PB blaster for a few days, what do you have to lose?
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