NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Oklahoma Elk Success


Active member
Jul 13, 2019
I was blessed by winning a cow tag for the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. This would be my first elk hunt and it couldn't have been a better experience. The folks at the Refuge, the Department of Wildlife, the RMEF, and all of the volunteers that helped to carry out elk did all they could to ensure a safe and successful hunt. I want to thank all of them here. I recommend to anyone who can apply to do so.

As far as the story goes it's rather lackluster. After being dropped off at my unit, I made my way through a heavily wooded creek bed and up to a glassing point. On my way there I saw several bulls, most of them younger, but no cows. Once I reached my glassing spot, I found a fellow hunter on an adjacent ridge to my south and more young bulls midway up the mountain to my north. I decided to move away from that area to go northwest as the other hunter had a watering hole covered very well. Down the hill into the flats I got a close encounter with a whitetail doe, wrong tag unfortunately. As I made my way, I spot a good heard of cows on top of a mountain grazing and an older bull down at the base. I start making my way toward the cows and get to about 380 yards away when a bull, possibly the one from the bottom, comes up from behind them at a quick pace and they follow him around the top of the mountain heading east. Straight east of where they were is Moko Mountain and I thought if I could make my way up there quick enough I might get a vantage point for a good shot. Well the side I was on happened to be the steepest slope. So needless to say it was slow going and I missed an opportunity on some cows that were hidden up in the timber that I spooked because I didn't have my rifle in my hands at the time. So up the mountain and there are no elk to be found. I thought if the cows I pushed up headed back around where I'd seen bulls first thing that morning I might be able to sneak up on them. Nope. No sign. So I make my way down the mountain back to where I started. Back up the creek bed I went. After stopping for lunch, I stood up, and heard a loud rustling to the west, and was greeted by the back end of an elk. After a brief chase I got a good look at a big bull. Onward I go. Back to the mountain where I'd spotted the herd of cows. I got to the top and circle around ending up on the west face. Nothing. I studied my GPS for a bit and came up with a plan to make my way to a passage about a mile away. As I was about to reach the valley I heard rustling and directly in front of me were two cows I had spooked. This time I had my rifle in my hands. The larger of the two turned to look at me and gave me a perfect 75 yard broadside shot. I put a TTSX through her left shoulder. She started her way up the slope heading away from me and I sent another TTSX through her back and into her vitals. Keep hammering right? She stopped shortly, finally wavering and falling over. I had my first elk. Then the work began quartering and hauling meat out.

I spent a lot of time and money to prepare myself for this hunt. Hand loading, lots of range time, gear, losing weight, and after a lot of hard work it paid off. I still have a lot to learn on stalking but now I know I can at least be successful. Now to get back to ordinary life and to enjoy the company of my wife and daughters. Thank you for listening and God bless.

P.S. I managed to rig up some sticks to hold my phone to get a picture.
Congrats. I’ve researched those hunts a little bit. You beat some tough odds when you drew that tag. Way to make the most of it.
Funny enough it was my first year to apply for it! There were several others that it was their first year to apply as well. We had another guy that was in our unit who had hunted there before they changed it to once in a lifetime and drew again this year.
Thank you guys. I pulled the RV to the campgrounds they have on the Refuge. My dad came and stayed at camp to take care of things and cook while I was out hunting. He and I went foraging for firewood the day after I tagged my elk and we ran into a couple of bulls at about 150 yards. It was cool that he got to see some so close. He had as good a time as I did and he didn't get to shoot anything!
A true once in a lifetime dream hunt! Congratulations on your success! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little jealous.
Hopefully you'll draw soon brother! It's rough terrain but it's a beautiful place and plenty of opportunities to fill your tag.
Hopefully you'll draw soon brother! It's rough terrain but it's a beautiful place and plenty of opportunities to fill your tag.
I've got 9 points and a lot of hope. This was the first year I tried for a cow tag and only as my 3rd choice like everyone else I have dreams of the bull tag. Did you apply for antelope as well?
If you ever draw a Cimarron county antelope tag let me know. I drew in 2017 and have landowner contacts and info on the public in the area.

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