Ohio 2018 Turkey Season


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2014
This year I am determined to end the quest for my first turkey and I was finally able to get in some turkey time this morning. It took about two hours for the birds to climb out of the creek bottom and when they did, there were two jakes slowly making their way towards my decoy. I was focused on them and thought they were about 5 yards from being in both camera view and gun range. I'm not sure how high I jumped when a bone rattling gobble came from just 15 yards directly behind me. I am willing to shoot a young jake but not when a big tom is within range. Maybe I could have tried an uncomfortable left hand shot with my knees to my chest but I just wasn't confident. All three turkeys worked out of range before I could re-position myself around the tree and they hung around for a while but never came back within range. Hopefully I can get out tomorrow but if not definitely on Sunday. Stay tuned!

That's a beautiful bird. Nice, thick beard and looks heavy too. Keep after them, you'll get him.
Its update time: I made it out Sunday and decided to cut my set-up distance from the roost trees in half. From this ridge I could now see turkeys in the trees once it got light enough. Everyone of them flew off the roost and down into the creek bottom. Then the game of figuring out where they were going to climb up to the ridges. I ended up not seeing anything but now had a solid plan on what to do Monday.

Its monday morning and with my new plan, I am in the pitch-black creek bottom well before any gobbles are unleashed. Once the woods start to wake up, gobbles are raining down from above and Im confident all these turkeys are going to be in my lap in no time. On this day, every single turkey decides "why fly down and climb up when we can just fly right to the ridges"; so much for my plan. I could see at least 4 turkeys strutting but I didn't think I could get closer without them seeing me. Once they got out of view, I made a big loop to get back on top but never saw or even heard any birds after that. These things are definitely taking me to school and class is still in session. Im not sure if I can get out this week or weekend but starting next monday, we can hunt all day (not just till noon) so I can get out after work. I got a little video but it was still pretty dark for my camera.

Looks like you are in lots of birds. I'd put me up some kind of natural blind on that struttin ridge and camp there every morning you get a chance. They'll be back. I'd just wait em out and not even touch a call.
After doing yard work all day Saturday, I had to get in the woods Sunday morning so I convinced a buddy to get up early and go with me. He gets to my house early and we come up with a game plan that we are both confident in. We take off on the 15 minute drive to the "hunting grounds" and only ten minutes into the trek, we are pulled over looking under the truck hood. Coolant is all over the engine and the radiator is dry. Pour in some water and it immediately exits a hole in the water pump housing. Call for a tow and head home. No turkeys, no hunting, and a frustrating season continues.
Im confident all these turkeys are going to be in my lap in no time. On this day, every single turkey decides "why fly down and climb up when we can just fly right to the ridges

I know both those feeling too well. Hunting birds off the roost is frustrating, but man is it fun. Keep on them!
I got my truck back on tuesday in time to get a quick evening hunt in: no birds.

Decided to postpone anniversary dinner on thursday to get back in the woods. I found a hen, two jakes and a tom feeding through a field on a path towards a known roosting area. As soon as I saw them, the plan was in place. Make a circle back into the woods and get set up on the field edge where the birds are going to be. This is my dream scenario for an evening hunt, I know where the birds are, I know where they are going, I have lots of time to get around and ready. I get set up and decide to not even touch the call, no reason to, this is going to happen. I wait, wait, wait, no birds. Finally get the nerve to get up and start looking around, no birds anywhere. Not sure what happened.

My season may have ended on Friday. Hurt my knee at work and I fear a tear occurred. Should find out Monday but its the last week of turkey season so its not looking good.
Final update: I decided to push through the knee pain on Sunday morning and give these turkeys one last chance to get close to me. There was a hen close to me and four jakes far away in the corn stubble for almost two hours. Then, out of nowhere, turkeys are running all over the place. I don't know enough about turkey behavior to understand what was happening but two dozen turkeys flooded the field and started an impromptu game of bumper-cars. I thought for sure that one of them would eventually come within 40 yards of me but after 15 minutes, I was alone again. I figured that was that and packed up my gear.

On the way back to my truck, I decided to walk the edge of one more field just to see if any birds were there. When I saw the first hen, she was only 30 yards away so I quickly and quietly stood behind the biggest tree that was close. I found the courage to peek around the right side and there she was, 20 yards and closing, I peek around the left side and see another hen further out. Back on the right side, hen at 12 yards so I stand as still as I ever have. She passed by me at 5 yards and went into the woods. I look back to the left side of the tree and see the second hen is closing the gap but also notice two red turkey heads coming over a rise in the field. I check the right side and see two strutters 60 yards away. On the left side, hen has gotten to 20 yards and many more turkeys are visible but farther away. Back to the right and the strutters have made it to 40 yards. In range but they are moving closer so I might as well wait. Check the left side and hen is at ten yards. I thought she would take the same path as the first hen but she must have seen me move because she started briskly walking straight away from me. Peek to the right side and birds are still full strut but moving away. Now or never; step to the right, shoulder gun, pick out the closest one, wait for the further one to clear, and squeeze the trigger. I can't believe it actually happened, I got my very first turkey.


I was surprised when I ranged back to the tree where I shot and the rangefinder said 56 yards. They must have been moving faster than I realized. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any of the final encounter on video but there's not a chance in hell I'll ever forget this hunt. 19 lbs, 9 3/4 inch beard, and 1 1/8 inch spurs. I had to get a ton of advice for me to get this done including some awesome ideas from tried and true turkey guys on this forum. Thank You.
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Many times it takes just putting in the time to allow the myriad of things "that-have-to-go-right" go right for you to finally get a bird. So pumped that it came together for you. Way to persevere!
Many times it takes just putting in the time to allow the myriad of things "that-have-to-go-right" go right for you to finally get a bird. So pumped that it came together for you. Way to persevere!

That seems to be how it works a lot of times. Way to go!!! I find with turkey hunting the more work I have to put in the more rewarding the harvest is. I don't mind the "easy" birds once in a while though...............ha ha.
Awesome Kenton. Glad you got it done on a nice bird! You're hooked now. My dad didn't tag this year due to many spills of bad luck and poor timing. First time he has failed to harvest a bird since turkey season started way back in the 80s here. I guess I got pretty lucky tagging out so fast. It was a tough year for many. Looks like you have plenty birds in your area. Congrats on the gobbler!

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