Caribou Gear Tarp

Objectionable Video on Sportsman Channel Facebook Page


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Not sure you’ll get much outrage from some of the posts I’ve seen on this site on a similar thread on this issue. I’m not happy about that but this country seems to be changing and not for the better Imo.
Our community has long been our worst enemy, especially when hunters and anglers start advocating for less wildlife habitat and opportunity because they'd rather stick it to political opposites.

We get what we deserve.
Our community has long been our worst enemy, especially when hunters and anglers start advocating for less wildlife habitat and opportunity because they'd rather stick it to political opposites.

We get what we deserve.

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” Winston Churchill.
I, and all producers, were asked to promote that video yesterday. That video is so full of false statements, I don't have enough time/space to address them here.

The network should stay focused on topics that they are knowledgeable of.

Needless to say, that video won't be promoted on my platforms.
I, and all producers, were asked to promote that video yesterday. That video is so full of false statements, I don't have enough time/space to address them here.

The network should stay focused on topics that they are knowledgeable of.

Needless to say, that video won't be promoted on my platforms.

I love your show and the work you do for public lands, but I am mad as hell about this video and the position the Sportsman Channel has taken on this issue. I am afraid I am going to have to call for a boycott of the Channel until they pull this video. So consider me the first to boycott. Hopefully many will follow.
Thanks, Randy for staying true to the cause of Hunters, Anglers, and Public Lands!

I, and all producers, were asked to promote that video yesterday. That video is so full of false statements, I don't have enough time/space to address them here.

The network should stay focused on topics that they are knowledgeable of.

Needless to say, that video won't be promoted on my platforms.
TBH I haven't watched any of the Sportsman Channels broadcasts in a few years. I did away with cable and stream all of my entertainment now. I go directly to the source, Randy's Youtube channel, or to Amazon Prime. I'm glad I no longer directly support the Sportsman Channel.
I no longer get the Sportsman channel and was very dissapointed because there were a few shows I liked, most I couldn’t stand, but I probably found more productive things to do because of it. I hope my public lands and access to them aren’t taken from me as I know I could not find more productive things to do with my time.
I, and all producers, were asked to promote that video yesterday. That video is so full of false statements, I don't have enough time/space to address them here.

The network should stay focused on topics that they are knowledgeable of.

Needless to say, that video won't be promoted on my platforms.

Big Fin
Do you feel that our voices would be heard if we expressed our opinion to the network?
The voice you hear is Jon Bair, SFWs President at one point, and was the chair of the Utah Wildlife Board last year. Jon seems to be a nice enough guy but it all runs back to Utah politics and those of SFW. I saw it on the Outdoor Channels Facebook page as well. It’s a disgraceful video full of lies and convenient punchlines. I get really tired of the “lame duck” argument, whenthe process for Bears Ears was known 6 years before it was designated that the clock was ticking. Everyone knew it, including all very local county commissioners to Utah senators and congressmen. Everyone knew Bears Ears was an issue that would be decided in the waning days of Obamas Presidency if nothing had been done legislatively to protect the area. I hated a lot of the politics of Obama’s and some of the things he did, but calling this a “lame duck” President and decision is an outright lie and that’s a disgraceful video for the hunting community to promote.
I, and all producers, were asked to promote that video yesterday. That video is so full of false statements, I don't have enough time/space to address them here.

The network should stay focused on topics that they are knowledgeable of.

Needless to say, that video won't be promoted on my platforms.

Does this mean Randy is a leftist, liberal, whatever lame like term you would prefer?
Where are the responses similar to the posts on the other thread on this topic.
Speak up Men. Show some Huevos.
Might be inciteful, yes, even "trolling"? Yup.
If crickets, I'll make my own assumptions. If this post get's me the Doc Holliday treatment - oh well.
I'd like to be pleasantly surprised and see a meaningful discussion ...............
The voice you hear is Jon Bair, SFWs President at one point, and was the chair of the Utah Wildlife Board last year. Jon seems to be a nice enough guy but it all runs back to Utah politics and those of SFW. I saw it on the Outdoor Channels Facebook page as well. It’s a disgraceful video full of lies and convenient punchlines. I get really tired of the “lame duck” argument, whenthe process for Bears Ears was known 6 years before it was designated that the clock was ticking. Everyone knew it, including all very local county commissioners to Utah senators and congressmen. Everyone knew Bears Ears was an issue that would be decided in the waning days of Obamas Presidency if nothing had been done legislatively to protect the area. I hated a lot of the politics of Obama’s and some of the things he did, but calling this a “lame duck” President and decision is an outright lie and that’s a disgraceful video for the hunting community to promote.

I didn't realize the Outdoor Channel also posted this video. Shame on them. Please contact the Sportsman Channel and the Outdoor Channel and give them the what for! And then quit watching these channels.
Fin, you mention that all of the other shows were asked to promote that, do you know or should I say could you divulge the shows/production groups who are opposing this and speaking out about the false statements made in it? And is there anything being done about removing the video? It seems like the channels just shot themselves in the foot and have just created a divide in the hunting community, when hopefully they would be promoting some sort of unity amongst hunters.
Does this mean Randy is a leftist, liberal, whatever lame like term you would prefer?
Where are the responses similar to the posts on the other thread on this topic.
Speak up Men. Show some Huevosi.
Might be inciteful, yes, even "trolling"? Yup.
If crickets, I'll make my own assumptions. If this post get's me the Doc Holliday treatment - oh well.
I'd like to be pleasantly surprised and see a meaningful discussion ...............

I think Randy has a calming or chilling effect on posters once they know he’s watching. Everybody suddenly is on their best behavior.
That network, like all TV networks on their slow march to irrelevancy, is appealing to the rabid base of a basket full of suckers.

They’re no longer necessary. Who needs a middle man when mediums like YouTube allow me to watch Fresh Tracks whenever I want, without the limitations they impose. Glad I cut the cord years ago, and appreciate Randy’s voice of moderation and ability to portray the position of someone in the sane middle ground like few other hunting personalities.
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Come on Nameless, you saying Uncle Ted is not a voice of sane moderation?

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