Caribou Gear

NW Montana spring bear hunt questions.


New member
Jul 18, 2016
SW Iowa
So I'm starting to do some planning for a bear hunt next spring in NW Montana. I haven't worked out the where yet but I've got some questions about camping. Do most folks hoof in from the truck each morning or do folks hike in with tents? Is the grizzly pop. density real high out there?
I have done both, I like hiking in with tents better because I get to sleep more. It's going to be light from like 5am-10pm and bears are most active early morning/late evening so not having to hike back and forth from the truck is nice. Grizz population really depends on where you are the bob/scape goat complex is fairly dense as is the GYA but outside of those you won't see a bear, I hunted Lee Metcalf (GYA) for a week last year and never saw a grizz... be bear aware but don't loose your chit worrying about them.
Thanks for the advice. Being from Iowa, one tends to over think things like that. I'm hoping things will progress and I'll get a trip out there next spring. I checked harvest numbers and it looks like there isn't much pressure in most units.

I've got the itch to go bear hunting again but I don't want s b other bait hunt.
I live in NW MT and hunt day hunts from the house and do some camping. Most spring bear hunting is done in the evenings so you can sleep in to recover from the lat nights of getting back to camp. Mileage may vary on griz density but generally it isn't the problem some people make it out to be. Keep a clean camp and carry bear spray and you will be fine. You are more likely to die of hypothermia by a large margin. I've seen a handful (less than 10) in 15 years. Some people see several per year.
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