Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Not a Hunter or Fisherman - Mr. Quist


New member
Jul 3, 2010
The conclusion that someone will vote favorably on issues pertaining to hunting does not follow from knowledge of how much, or even if, they hunt. I'm more concerned about how they will vote when it comes to things that are likely to be placed in front of them like defunding different agencies, opening up wild country to roads, or weakening protections for wildlife to favor extractive industry. I think Quist will make decisions on those issues more in line with my opinions, which is why I'll be voting for him.

That said, it is all over but the crying for the Democrats in Montana. As I said earlier, it would be fallacious to draw a conclusion about his favorability to hunters from the fact that Quist hasn't hunted or fished for over a decade, but it sure as chit isn't a good look. And just imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. The Ds would be ripping Gianforte to pieces over this.
Anyone can buy a hunting or fishing license to make themselves appear to be something they are not. Gianforte may be a huge hunter and fisherman, so this is no knock on him, but I'm reminded of photos that I've seen of folks like Kerry, Romney, and even Obama holding shotguns trying to make a favorable impression on sportsmen. Whether or not someone holds a license makes no difference to me.
Rob Quist has not held a fishing or hunting license since 2002 (could be longer).

He received the Montana Sportsmen Alliance endorsement. Not sure they were aware of him not being a hunter or fisherman when they picked him. Whereas Gianforte has held a license nearly every year if not every year.

Does this change your view one way or another?

Yes we knew he hadn't hunted or fished in awhile. His views on Hunting and Fishing AND public lands are what got him the endorsement. Gianforte would not fill out the survey sent to him, nor was he willing to be interviewed.

Quist has had health problems in later years, and his old hunting partner had died and he said he lost his desire after that. That doesn't mean he's not worthy of an endorsement.

We have "Sportsmen" all over the state that buy licences that are pro land transfer, pro open all the roads, anti stream access.

Gianforte has shown his willingness to go against Montanan's wishes by attacking our "Stream Access" laws, and making statements that
“I am opposed to deed transfer at this time [emphasis mine],” he said, “because I don’t think it’s attainable.”

He is also donates to at least one organization that is working to get those public lands in private hands.
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Out of those two: Which one will fall in line with the Rob Bishop plan to eliminate public lands, and which one will fight for them?

Gianforte has sued to eliminate access to benefit himself personally and turn a prime stretch of urban fishery in to his own estate. I don't care how much he hunts, he doesn't have Montana values.
Yes we knew he hadn't hunted or fished in awhile. His views on Hunting and Fishing AND public lands are what got him the endorsement. Gianforte would not fill out the survey sent to him, nor was he willing to be interviewed.

Quist has had health problems in later years, and his old hunting partner had died and he said he lost his desire after that. That doesn't mean he's not worthy of an endorsement.

We have "Sportsmen" all over the state that buy licences that are pro land transfer, pro open all the roads, anti stream access.

Gianforte has shown his willingness to go against Montanan's wishes by attacking our "Stream Access" laws, and making statements that

He is also donates to at least one organization that is working to get those public lands in private hands.

Understood. When is the last time he fished or hunted?
Possession of a hunting or fishing license has no barring on a candidate in my mind rather their platform and track record on issues. If a candidate were a urbanite and had never been into the woods or a wild place, but liked the idea that they were there and wanted to protect public access to those places they would have my vote.
What a lame argument for a reason to vote, or not vote, for any candidate.

A good friend of mine, that passed away this last winter, would come to our Wyoming elk camp every year. He wanted to be part of the camp, and in the past, was an elk slaying machine. Probably hiked further, and hunted harder than anyone at the camp. Yet, he had not bought an elk license, or hunted elk himself, in the 12 years that I've been at the camp.

Did that make him any less qualified to share his views and support of elk hunting because he didn't buy an elk license and hunt them the 12 years he came to our camp every year? Did that make him less qualified to speak on the importance of public lands?

The things people choose to qualify, or disqualify a candidate about is the exact reason we have the current shit-show we have in most all State and Federal politics.

Let me give you a hint, perception is not even close to reality...
Could this be why Gianforte did not respond? From the MSA page of Endorsements:

Denise Juneau US Representative

Steve Bullock Governor

Larry Jent MT Attorney General

Dirk Sandefur
Supreme Court

Melissa Romano Superintendent of Public Instruction

Jesse Laslovich Montana State Auditor

Glenn Ferren
SD 07
Jen Gross SD 25
Margie McDonald
SD 26
Jeff Welborn SD 36
Tom France SD 47

Denley Loge
HD 14
Rob Cook HD 18
Tom Jacobson
HD 21
Jean Price HD 24
Casey Schreiner
HD 26
Bridgett Smith HD 31
Rae Peppers HD 41
Jessica Karjala
HD 48
Kelly McCarthy
HD 49
Virginia Court HD 50
Merlyn Huso HD 70
Tom Welch
HD 72
Amanda Curtis
HD 74
Patrick Johnson
HD 80
Janet Ellis
HD 81
Scott Ralston
HD 85
Margaret Gorski HD 88
Ellie Hill Smith
HD 90
Addrien Marx HD 92
Willis Curdy
HD 98
Not likely, he didn't respond because he's a pro-transfer, anti-public land advocate...per his own words and actions.

Oh, but he did by a fishing license last year and stayed at a holiday Inn express...and has an R by his name.

Just vote for him and stop making excuses...and then be honest when he bends you and Montana over with his anti-public lands stance.
Racklover seems like you are more caught up on the R or D and less concerned about the issues at hand?
Good, Bi-partisan list of legislators who have done many good things for hunters & anglers there. GIven who we had to work with during the 2016 legislative cycle, and seeing how Zinke has turned into a step & fetcher for Trump's pro-transfer agenda, I'd say MSA made the right calls.
Racklover, you might want to look those MSA endorsed legislators up, there are Republicans on there.

As to Quist not having a license, I read the MSA legislator survey. There was nothing that was alarming or would cause me not to vote for Quist.

I have had two major injuries that prevented me from hunting and fishing. The first time, I didn't buy a license, since I could do neither. But after getting involved with hunting/angling conservation, when the TBI happened, I bought my license, even though I couldn't hunt that year, including an elk tag, to make sure that my dollars were going towards FWP and conservation.

Having worked with quite a number of hunter/anglers across MT over the last years, I personally know a number of guys that through an injury couldn't hunt a season, or for some of the older ones, due to life's health and injuries biting them in the ass, have not hunted for years, but they still view themselves a hunter, still advocate for hunting and love the camaraderie of it. Some have said advocating for hunting/angling, especially during the legislature, is their way of giving back.

My father, a hunter and angler from Oregon and Washington, couldn't hunt after he got back from Vietnam. He would still tell me his stories and show me his photos, but he couldn't bring himself to hunt, we fished all the time. He was glad when I got into hunting, though, supported it and was proud.

People have different reasons, but nothing about Quist's answers would deter me from feeling that he is the better candidate for putting Montana's values first, including our public lands and access.

And having gone to the courthouse and clerk and recorders office here in Gallatin County to get a copy of the lawsuit Gianforte filed against FWP, his property records showing the perpetual FWP fishing access site easement and his contributions to privatizing PERC, there is no way in hail that I would trust Gianforte with my vote, especially with the federal and state Republican party planks of transfer of federal lands - and I used to be a Republican.
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Could this be why Gianforte did not respond? From the MSA page of Endorsements:

Denise Juneau US Representative

Steve Bullock Governor

Larry Jent MT Attorney General

Dirk Sandefur
Supreme Court

Melissa Romano Superintendent of Public Instruction

Jesse Laslovich Montana State Auditor

Glenn Ferren
SD 07
Jen Gross SD 25
Margie McDonald
SD 26
Jeff Welborn SD 36
Tom France SD 47

Denley Loge
HD 14
Rob Cook HD 18
Tom Jacobson
HD 21
Jean Price HD 24
Casey Schreiner
HD 26
Bridgett Smith HD 31
Rae Peppers HD 41
Jessica Karjala
HD 48
Kelly McCarthy
HD 49
Virginia Court HD 50
Merlyn Huso HD 70
Tom Welch
HD 72
Amanda Curtis
HD 74
Patrick Johnson
HD 80
Janet Ellis
HD 81
Scott Ralston
HD 85
Margaret Gorski HD 88
Ellie Hill Smith
HD 90
Addrien Marx HD 92
Willis Curdy
HD 98

You do understand there are Republicans endorsed in there. Also you do understand also that any person that signed the Republican platform to transfer public lands to the states would NOT be endorsed. There were only a few.

We have endorsed R's that repented in there earlier missteps and Gianforte would be no exception there IF he would verbally come out and decree the transfer a no go.

We endorse Jeff Welborn from Dillion and he was the one that brought forward the "Dirty Ditch" Bill. He has shown that he is willing to stand up for sportsman in that part of the state.

Rob Quist has not held a fishing or hunting license since 2002 (could be longer).

He received the Montana Sportsmen Alliance endorsement. Not sure they were aware of him not being a hunter or fisherman when they picked him. Whereas Gianforte has held a license nearly every year if not every year.

Does this change your view one way or another?

From the article:
Gianforte told The Gazette he opposes the transfer of federal public lands to states. He said Wednesday evening that as a representative he would try to improve access to federal lands where roads have been closed.

“We’ve had over 20,000 miles of our roads gated in Montana and I would work to reverse that,” Gianforte said.

I remember most of the old logging roads in the 80s were gated - they aren't from Obama. There is a reason they are gated, among other things because the Forest Service doesn't have the budget to maintain them and keep them weed free.

He's not for transfer - just treating them the same as if they were transferred and stick the USFS with the bill - so he can bitch about how the FEd can't manage the lands and the state needs to do it.
I have been receiving a lot of direct mail painting Quist as a lowlife loser who doesn't pay his bills. I noticed that the return address on most of those is Wahington DC. The only positive endorsement I've seen came out of Helena. I have responded to several face book posts alleging that he stiffed contractors and didn't pay taxes that if that is true he will fit in with Trump perfectly. After all, people have said the same things about POTUS
Not likely, he didn't respond because he's a pro-transfer, anti-public land advocate...per his own words and actions.

Oh, but he did by a fishing license last year and stayed at a holiday Inn express...and has an R by his name.

Just vote for him and stop making excuses...and then be honest when he bends you and Montana over with his anti-public lands stance.

Enough said