Non-pressured elk...?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
Long story short, I found a place back in a great area to set up a few trail cams this spring and summer. I had 5 different bulls on the cams. According to the dates, they came about every 8-15 days, so not very often. I am going to head there this weekend and would like to know the best plan of attack for locating them. I have endless mountains, with no private land in sight. It is about 6600-7500 elevation.
Do I bugle to locate a bull early in the morning when still dark? Or do I cow call to try to locate him? If I do locate a bull, do I move closer while bugling to keep locating him or do I cow call? I am typically hunt where the elk are vocal and there are a lot of them so locating has never been an issue. But here, completely in the middle of the mountains, I think it will be very different for me. These are very non-pressured bulls and have never been hunted…
Any tactics would be great to hear! I can stay 3 days and 2 nights so running around the mountains trying to locate something isn’t an issue, in regards to time.
According to my unscientific research of chasing these things, not coming by trail cams real often is normal. Especially if there is more than one water source in the vicinity. As long as it hasn't been too long since you've seen them you're ok. More importantly though is you want to see cows this time of year.

A bugle to locate at dawn is great. Do your best to pinpoint and get in with the thermals right then cow call once maybe twice. I lost a good bit of opportunity early on by bugling back and forth as they moved their cows over the hill.

Good luck, sounds like a serious honey hole.
Right on, shoots-straight. I don't think there's an elk on public land that has never been hunted. :)
Right on, shoots-straight. I don't think there's an elk on public land that has never been hunted. :)

Definitely not hunted before... I'm a very avid marathon runner and hiker. This place is too far for anyone sane!! :D CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely not hunted before... I'm a very avid marathon runner and hiker. This place is too far for anyone sane!! :D CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

one word....Horses!
Still though, good luck. Let's see some pics off of your trail cam!
You can't get horses in there?

I wish! A semi technical rock climb/hike across a couple hundred yard long scree fields.

110% fact. Some places are hunted less than others. Not hunted is a fantasy if elk live there.

No fantasy, honestly never been hunted... BUT looking at the bull you got and the size of your previous bulls, my opinion doesn't hold much weight in the elk hunting argument. My only claim is that I have shot a bull each year hunting, 17 years and running, biggest just over 300... also never passed on a legal bull. Even with that being said, I'm still no where near to the same league as you!

Here's one of the 5 bulls.... I would definitey throw an arrow at him.


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Good luck with it. I would hate to have to pack out 50-100 lbs of meat at a time while doing a semi technical rock climb. You are more insane than most :D
Good luck with it. I would hate to have to pack out 50-100 lbs of meat at a time while doing a semi technical rock climb. You are more insane than most :D

Just roll it down the mountain. Helps to tenderize that tough old bull meat.
Yes, Just Sunday. 4 cans high, Ranger IPA. Totally made the difference in getting an elk.
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