Caribou Gear Tarp

No Wyoming elk this year.


New member
Feb 18, 2014
Deer and antelope will be enough.Hunting solo,an elk hunt is just to tough on me anymore.

10 years ago I packed a moose out all by myself ,but those days are gone.Looking forward to deer and antelope hunt again.
Now for picking a unit ?
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Maybe someday when my grand kids are old enough to go with me ,may try again.
A couple more years the kids will be big enough to hunt in the west. I am sure they will enjoy the trip.
An old 64.Sure went down hill in the last 3 years . Diabetes and heart problems have taken a toll.But I can still do anything I want as long as I set here in this chair ,it's when I try to get up to do it reality sets in.
I try to camp close to where I hunt,do not hunt as far away from camp as I used to.It is not the hunt but the packing the animal out is where the work starts. Guess most would agree on that though.
I have to keep talking myself into hunting elk every year. I will make up my mind when the left-over list comes out.

I would love to find a ranch somewhere that I could go in on a late hunt and not have to kill myself. Elk hunting is a no BS deal if you want to consistently be successful. My gps said that I covered 8-12 miles a day this season. I only hunted every other day, to allow some recuperation. I did it for 10 days total and still could not find the elk. It took me a couple weeks to recover after I got home.

The recovery time seems to be getting longer every year, so we'll see what happens.
I too am thinking of saving my money for a couple of years and ranch hunt an elk.Some place where they do most of thehard work.
That would satisfy you?

It's better to remember your good elk hunts, and move on. I'm very close to retiring from elk hunting too. I have no interest in doing an easy hunt, but you may be different.
That would satisfy you?

It's better to remember your good elk hunts, and move on. I'm very close to retiring from elk hunting too. I have no interest in doing an easy hunt, but you may be different.

I've had enough hard hunts. It is all about the full freezer to me. It is now and always has been. I am way past needing a challenge, or to prove something to somebody by showing how big the antlers are. I am just talking about easier access to the cow elk- not high-fence type crap. Reasonable trespass etc. to shoot a cow is no different than lots of people do for antlers every year.
I still like a challenge. I guess I always will. Antlers have nothing to do with it. I leave them on the ground at the kill. Always have.

Yes, a full freezer is nice, but not if it means an easy hunt. I don't push this on anybody else. I have to just satisfy myself. I've never cared what others thought. Which is why you'll never see me talking about a kill, or showing it.
The meat is what I am after also. Love it ! Thatis why I hunt cow elk,or least did.

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