Yeti GOBOX Collection

NM Muzzy Antelope

Thanks for the comments everyone.
To answer a couple questions - my goat was just over 16".
We saw at least 4 B&C bucks on this hunt of which I watched two of them get harvested by other hunters. I was hoping to harvest the buck in the third picture. He was at least 16" and had much better mass and prongs than the one I harvested.

Regarding the outfitter.
We scouted two days prior to the hunt and had several locations picked out to hopefully set up on. On the day before the season we watched this outfitter and his guides set up several blinds at key locations including two of the spots that we had scouted out. Most of their spots were within a mile of the road. They did have a blind set up on this same fence line, but it was only 1/2 mile from the road so we elected to set up at the far end of the fence a mile farther in from their blind.

Opening morning I watched one of ther hunters shoot a nice buck from the blind along the same fence line. It ran toward us a few hundred yards before expiring in a low spot that was out of sight from the blind. I watched the hunter as he left the blind and started looking for the goat. He was looking in the wrong location. The outfitter who sitting in a parked motorhome 1/2 mile away wasn't coming out to help him, so I told my sons to stay put and I proceeded to walk the mile toward the hunter to show him where his goat was laying. Before I got up to him he was able to locate the goat by himself. The guide that set up next to us also never bothered to go help out this other client.

A lilttle later the outfitter comes out with another hunter and puts this second hunter in the blind and drags the goat back with the first hunter.

Fast forward to Sunday......
Around sunrise on the second day we watched the outfitter pull up on the road in his motorhome and park next to our truck where Braden had stayed to spot from the truck. (Braden later informed me that the outfitter and another guy with him left the motor home running with the A.C. running all morning.) One of their clients walked out and set up in the blind. That morning before I shot my buck, I had three different herds come by me within 100 yards. There were some nice bucks in those herds but not anythig I wanted to harvest. The outfitters client didn't have any action whatsoever.
After the 3rd herd went by me, Braden said the outfitter turned off the engine to the motor home, opened the window, and then proceed to talk in a VERY loud voice intentionally so that Braden would hear............."What is with those other hunters hunting by our blind? It is obvious that there was a blind out there and they have no business hunting near it. Don't they know that isn't right?"

After hearing this Braden got a little nervous thining we were going to get into trouble after we were done hunting.

What is so ironic about this issue is that we started at our first location 1 mile from their blind on Saturday morning. Even after we relocated to the new crossing location, we were still 3/4 mile from the blind. Yet it was ok for their guide to set up within 150 yards of us opening morning!!!! On the same crossing location!!!!!

This outfitter is probably one of, if not THE biggest outfitter in the southwest based out of AZ. We knew who it was because the guide had a big outfitter emblem on the door of the truck he was driving.
Great story on the goats and that is great on the double. The story about the other outfitter is a bit concerning, wish people had a little more respect.
gotta love them outfitters.. I'll never use one. If I can't get into a area without one I wont go. Now I may hire a guide in areas that require one of I was to draw a area that requires one. Other than that it's with friends or by myself
Any guides out there. wating a good time huntiing, and some good backstrap holler at me. lol
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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