Caribou Gear Tarp

NM Cow Elk


New member
Sep 10, 2017
Out West
Had my first hunt in New Mexico this past weekend. Took a nice cow during a great 4 day hunt with good friends. Ready to hit Montana for the last week of general rifle for deer/elk!
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Thanks, all. Super excited for all the great meat! Just on my last roast or two from last season, so this was good timing.
Just to add a little color to the story. I’ve only been hunting but game for about 4 years now. Took my first elk (cow) last year in my home state of Montana. Got an awesome opportunity to hunt a ranch in NM at a minimal cost and took advantage! This was our second day of the hunt. Decided to sit a water hole for the evening hunt. Didn’t see a thing for about an hour. We were just standing up to move to another location when I spotted this cow and a calf come out from behind the trees. I was set up on a ridge across from the water, about 250 yards out. Took my shot and she moved slightly. Hit her in the neck just up from the shoulder. She ran about 20 yards and went down quickly in the brush.
Was a great time with my good hunting buddy. Will be some great meat for the winter! Heading out to Montana to hunt elk and deer at the end of November. Super excited after this awesome start to my season!