NJ new Democratic governor to shut down bear hunting


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I'm shocked,nobody is talking about the incoming democratic governor of NJ planning to shut down the bear season in that state.If nobody remembers,just a few short years ago a 20 something man was mauled,killed and being consumed by a black bear in NJ.NJ is the most populated state in the country and have ,at present,a stable bear population.That is thanks to Governor Christie opening a season 8 years ago due to an out of control bear population.After this season,the bears of NJ will no longer be managed in any way.
So while some of you are dreaming about Trump trying to take your hunting lands.Here we have an elected Governor clearly stating the faCT that he will end bear hunting in that state.Oh yeah,he also wants to sell off state assets to pay state pensions that are out of control,and increase the retirement age.Glad I don't live there.But,if this is a hunting site I think it makes sense to post facts instead of the rumors that have been posted involving hunting rights and access issues
They'll end up like Colorado with an out of control bear population and the bears coming into towns and cities getting into trash and treeing up in school yards.
Go to a bar and run your mouth.I come here to talk hunting

Backing off on your decree?

I don't live in New Jersey and don't vote there. I will likely never spend a dime there. I doubt they care one bit what my opinion is, so no, I haven't been politically involved in this decision whatsoever.

WTF does this have to do with Trump? Or the Republican led PLT efforts? Or the reduced environmental protections that could lead to big lawsuits and big changes with an ESA designation for sage grouse?

If you want to discuss the merits of the bear hunt issue, fire away. Why make it a partisan rant supporting your boy Trump? I thought you didn't run your mouth with bar room talk?

For the record, I very much disagree with any wildlife management decision being made as this one is. Heck, I wouldn't be that impressed if Gov. Bullock declared a moratorium on shoulder seasons, even though I disagree with them. I don't like governors making management decision. All that said, it's probably not a stretch for the citizens of NJ to severely limit bear hunting through the initiative process (which I also intensely dislike).
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They'll end up like Colorado with an out of control bear population and the bears coming into towns and cities getting into trash and treeing up in school yards.

Every state with bears has this issue.

Sad to see a Governor-elect upend the decision of the wildlife managers. If I lived in NJ, I'd be organizing meetings with this guy's staff and trying to convince him that he can have both non-lethal controls that help reduce conflict, and a hunt to help control the overall population.

Thanks for calling this out. The NJ Gov is wrong here.
Seems like a state issue for the citizens of that state to take care of if they want to, as I doubt NRs have any clout there and IMHO anyone who lives in (pick a state) and don't like it there can move somewhere else! It's too bad when politics/politicians take it upon themselves to meddle into what should be biological decisions made by the appropriate people in the DNR or whatever they call themselves in NJ!
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I had no idea, and certainly disagree with the move based on all the information I've seen on BB #'s in NJ.
JLS,what are you talking about??In case you have difficulty with reading comprehension,this is a HUNTING matter.And this is REALLY happening.So the sky is falling for real in NJ for hunters.We all know that when a season get taken away,it's very difficult to ever get back.
JLS,what are you talking about??In case you have difficulty with reading comprehension,this is a HUNTING matter.And this is REALLY happening.So the sky is falling for real in NJ for hunters.We all know that when a season get taken away,it's very difficult to ever get back.

I have no issues with reading comprehension, but thank you for asking. In case you missed my point, why muddy the waters in reference to a very real issue (which BTW I acknowledged that in case you missed it) by injecting your post with political affinity for Trump (who BTW has nothing to do with this moratorium), and tainting it further with irrelevant rants about state pensions and retirement age?

Carry on.
We knew we were in deep $hit before the election. He told the bunny huggers he was going to close the season when he got in. Pennsylvania and New York have longer bear seasons to deal with the overflow from Jersey.
Problem bears have been down but they will increase real fast. They will be breaking into houses,ruin crops, car wrecks. Every county in Jersey has had bears. The cops killed one in Newark a few years ago. Some of them are HUGE. A few have been over 800#. The heaviest we got was 651# dressed. 22 1/16 B&C. I got a little one back in 2004 that was 393# 20 5/16B&C
Every state with bears has this issue.

Yes, but Colorado has it probably the worst. We have a friend who is a game warden in Colorado Springs, and they are at 20+ bears and counting that they have had to kill this year. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks so that number may be over 30 now and that is only in his district.

Mixed Bag, thank you for shining light on an ACTUAL hunting issue, and not heresay and speculation. It is a sad day when actual hunting opportunities get taken away like this, and should be far more concerning than a western state wanting to cut some timber or mine some resources so they can fund their schools better. (Yes, that is how it actually works).
Note, several left leaners actually agree with you, this is bad, they're clearly not following the best science. Don't crap yourself mixedbag
He's done it. Right now all bear hunting in NJ has been ceased. Shameful. This new Governor is going to be a big problem for Hunters in the Garden State. Not to mention the ridiculous gun laws in NJ. An air rifle is considered a FIREARM. Geez I need to move out west.
Yeah,I can't believe I got a few to agree with me.It did get one a little bitter when I clearly called out liberal democrats for what they truly are,anti-hunting and anti-gun.And JLS,I pointed out the pension issue specifically because they want to sell STATE ASSETS to fund this.You guys whine that trumps going to sell off your federal lands.Here's a liberal Democrat stating that's what he's going to do.So JLS,that's why I added that to my post.Personally,I wonder if a few of you lefties even hunt or if you are decoys
But there you are guys ACTUAL FACTS,being posted on here
I guess this is not the time to talk about gun control since Trump has been elected or how your 401 is doing ! Just asking.
I guess this is not the time to talk about gun control since Trump has been elected or how your 401 is doing ! Just asking.

Not according to the single issue self appointed sergeants of arms here.
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Yeah,I can't believe I got a few to agree with me.It did get one a little bitter when I clearly called out liberal democrats for what they truly are,anti-hunting and anti-gun.And JLS,I pointed out the pension issue specifically because they want to sell STATE ASSETS to fund this.You guys whine that trumps going to sell off your federal lands.Here's a liberal Democrat stating that's what he's going to do.So JLS,that's why I added that to my post.Personally,I wonder if a few of you lefties even hunt or if you are decoys
But there you are guys ACTUAL FACTS,being posted on here

Do you have a link to his proposal to sell state lands? I looked briefly and can't find it. If that's the case, NJ sportsmen better get off their butts and get to work.

As to wondering if I hunt or am I a decoy? Not even worth a response.
So are there similar issue with hunting bears in Colorado?


In my anecdotal experience, bear conflicts are driven much more by human encroachment and garbage management practices than hunting (or lack thereof). Worth what you paid for it.

In my anecdotal experience, bear conflicts are driven much more by human encroachment and garbage management practices than hunting (or lack thereof). Worth what you paid for it.
That's probably true. I was wonderin gif CO banned bear hunting - it sounds like they did the spring hunt (and hounds and baiting). That's a whole different bucket of fermenting twinkies...

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