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New Mexico G and F releasing your identity

WTF, is this outfitter scum or one of the asshats that stalk Randy because they don't have a life of their own?
a web search on his name has an address in Los Alamos.....just sayin'....
I wondered what his intentions were? Probably something self-serving. Can he be charged with invasion of privacy if he uses the data for anything other than personal use? I foresee more legal action on this issue. I would like this decision litigated higher up on the behalf of privacy.
I just got the email as well. WTF? If this is how NM courts are going to interpret NM IPRA requests, NM G&F is going to have to change the personal identifying information they require customers to provide. Or the NM legislature is going to have to change the state statute so this type of personal identifying information is excluded from disclosure.
Have not looked at what the full list of public records that are considered “public” like court record, police reports and tax records but who got a license as public record seems like BS. And since he won this court case, the tax payers probably have to foot his attorney fees too. Also, will this set legal precedent so it happens in other states?
It will just be another check box on the application "Do you want to release your contact information" Like the Wyoming application.
He wants to know who has been getting tags because their is little transparency to the NM draw system. This is going to become more and more common, the way Nevada used to post names and units would solve all this. Instead you will just have individuals doing PRA requests to get the information....
I was going to post this but then took a call.
Pretty weird stuff

Now we know who to send our used face masks to.


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allegedly, 'His deal" is he believes the game and fish are handing out tags to themselves. Doesn't work that way but there are a few who believe that happens in most states.
All your app/draw info is available from most any western state. Some use it for selling hunts and some use it for hunt planning. Here in OR we have raffle tags and the same guys win more than just by chance. For about $50 you could file an FOIA request and get reports that show how many raffle tickets each person bought, and you'd know how many to buy to have the best odds.
He sued his employer somewhat recently too.
Refer to LADaily Post: sheriff candidate sues LANS in June 2018

Also sued LA county in April 2018.
Well to look at the other side of things these types of things are handed over every day in FOIA request. On top of that many private companies sale this information to the highest bidder also. You would be surprised at what is out there on any one of us if you wanna fork over the money to pay for it and find it. Pretty much anything about you and your relatives along with associates and the the list goes on.

It's the age we live in better get use to it.
Funny I could not get one response ,besides denials, to FOIA requests from G&F a few years ago regarding policy & procedure , science used,etc.
Guess I'm not in the legal,sales weasel business,etc. ,so I don't count. Bet someone is counting coin from this ongoing policy from everyone who wants access to your info.
It seems to me that they guy is pretty "sue happy". A quick Google search brings up the fact that he recently sued LANL (former employer). I read the case and what I got out of it was that he feels like he is pretty important and didn't feel like people were listening to him. Another forum I watch has posts on it from folks who know him tossing around the word "nutjob". Their words, not mine.
I'm curious to see what comes of this.
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