New Mexico Archery Elk


Mar 24, 2016
Missoula, MT
This year I was lucky enough to have drawn a 2nd season archery elk tag in New Mexico's famed Gila region. To say I feel blessed would be an understatement.

The hunt starts on 9/15 and I'll be making the 1000 mile drive the day before. Although having no days to scout prior to the opener is kind of a bummer, I feel pretty good about things since I was in the unit twice over the summer. This will be a DIY, solo hunt. I'll have all 10 days of the season to get it done.

Most of that area has zero cell service so sending timely live hunt updates isn't really possible via cell phone. But I do have a Delorme InReach to send satellite messages. Love that thing! I'm an I.T. guy by trade so I was able to setup some processes that will pick up my satellite messages and post them to this live hunt thread automatically in near real time. Live hunt via Delorme!

This should be interesting as InReach messages are limited to 160 characters meaning I will need to piece together a narrative with frequent but short updates. And I'll probably make it into the Reserve area a couple times over the hunt to add some pictures. We'll see how it goes.

Over the next few days I'll be posting a few things here as I prepare to leave for the hunt. And of course I'll be doing some of that with the InReach to make sure the bugs are worked out. Should be an adventure!
Good luck. Sounds like a great thread to follow.
Good luck. I blast off on Monday for the same general part of the state. Hope to find some grouse while I am there. ;)
Not that it's any big secret, but my own irrational superstition prevents me from saying which unit until the hunt is over. It starts with a 1. :)
The last time I was on a successful solo elk hunt I was totally unprepared to take photos. It's a real regret that I don't have any good harvest pics to look back on. This time I have vowed to do something different.

I use my cell phone as my backup GPS device and decided that I didn't want to pack a seperate camera for a variety of reasons. The solution I came up with involves a $6 GoPro to tripod adapter, a $3 GoPro mount squeeze clip, and a $14 LOHA cell phone tripod mount from Amazon. THe whole thing weighs about 3 oz. and it seems like it should be ultra flexible as it will easily clip to a limb or the frame of my pack.

I hope I have the occasion to use it.


Congrats on the tag. I really like that phone setup. Good hunting, I'm looking forward to following along.
I will be in that general area come October and look forward to connecting with fellow Hunttalkers. Good luck to you on your bow hunt.
Good luck Man! Anything in the Gila is outstanding. Right about now I am wishing I hadn't moved out of NM 8 months ago. I only lived there 13 months, but was able to draw and connect on a bull in unit 45 last year and was hoping to hunt the Gila sooner than later. Now I will just play the non res odds!
The gear is ready. I look it over and feel like I'm taking too much stuff given that most of it is for backup or "what if". I bet I never touch 80% of it.
Work productivity has definitely come to a grinding halt as I wrap up a few loose ends around town. Tomorrow is traveling day.

In the morning I will drop off junior at school and then strap in for what should be about 14 hours on the road. I’m actually not going all the way tomorrow - I plan on pulling up in Socorro to crash for the night. Then Thursday morning pre-daylight make the last leg.

I’ll be setting up a base camp first thing Thursday AM and getting organized. Once that’s done I’m basically planning to then abandon it for 2+ days. Hopefully nobody will bother all the stuff I leave behind although the most valuable stuff will be stashed/secured.

My plan is to hike in and setup spike camp in the area I’m going to hunt first. Weather looks decent, with only slight chances of storms at the moment. For shelter I’ll have a Seek Outside 4 man tipi. I hope to be hunting by Thursday early afternoon.

In general that will be my plan - running a pretty light spike camp most of the time that is quick and easy to move around. Then as the situation calls for I can run back to base camp every so often to regroup, get a camp shower, etc. I’m hoping that will allow the flexibility to move to where the action is but still have the comforts of base camp when needed. Ten days of hunting seems like a lot.
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